Okay, I should have known this morning, that it was going to be a day that didn't run quite according to plan, when I saw the squirrel. The big fAt squirrel I will add. I was in the room with the big picture window. The one that I can see the bird feeder out of. Lo and Behold, I see something that looked like a cat, in the branches. Knowing that we no longer have a cat (with Vanilla MIA and Louis RIP) I realized that it was a squirrel at the feeder. And HE WAS FEEDING!! Come to think of it, he likely thought it was "payday" since the feeder is full of "shelled" black sunflower seeds. Anyhow - I chased him away once, and then he was back. As he was pigging out on the seeds, his back feet slipped off the little branch and he was literally hanging from the feeder! Talk about looking hilarious! I couldn't help but think God was using it as a teachable moment for me.... hm, how often do I make God laUgh?! The picture is not great, and it only shows him sitting and contemplating his snack!
Today is Friday. Day 4 of Week 2 of my refocusing and recommitment to getting healthy. I have "pencilled" in my "me" time into a daytimer. Should I admit that today I had to white out the morning and begin again since I got up a little later than the anticipated 7 am get up and at em' time! Regardless, as I sit here now, I have finished my breakfast, lunch and two little snacks in between as well as achieved my 1 hour exercise goal for today.
As I sat here a little while ago, I switched on the TV and saw Dr. Oz speaking with Amy. I saw Amy a while ago when she started a weight loss plan. Today, she was on again, and tears came to my eyes as I watched a video of her doing a 5 k run. While she is still a ways from her goal - she has already come a long way. 50 lbs already. And she should be proud of her achievements!
I checked out her blogspot amysjourneytohealth.blogspot.com and saw her pictures.
Okay - that is brave... BUT it is also about accountability. (mental note: once I post this I have to call my accountability partner and get going with that again. Elizabeth, I miss you!)
So, as I stated at the top of this - it is the 4th day of Week 2 recommittment. What have I noticed?
1) when I commit my day to God - it is way, WAY easier to stay on this journey. In a blog I mentioned "surrender" and "laying it down" and I know personally, HE does give me strength. Thank you Lord!
2) I have started to enjoy again, the taste of hummus in various forms AND found that Tall Grass Bakery at the Forks makes some killer Black Bean and Lime, and also Red Lentil hummus. Yum. I should also add that yesterday I stood there and did not buy myself Cinnamon Buns (which are also the best, and whole wheat!) nor did I buy any other baked goods for myself. WOOHOOO.... this is honestly, a first! Perhaps something is beginning to click!
3) So now that I have said that (point #3) I have to say that when I bake, and have it in the house "for the boys lunches" (or left over from a baby shower) IT IS NEVER GOOD! I have to laugh because I know that Alvin is like my shadow at times. When I am "on track" it is a good thing.... but when I am "tasting morsels" here and there - it is not. I hate hearing him ask "who sampled this?" I know that he is just trying to keep me accountable. (I just love my man!)
4) When I exercise first thing, it just seems to unstick my frozen hips, and makes my pain less. That in itself should be an incentive. But I am wondering, will I have to replace the carpet in the room, infront of the TV where I do my aerobics/dancing etc... (ah shucks, it's definitely worth it right!)
5) I have not walked outside basically because I can't go on the road with our dog anymore AND the snow in the back is too deep for my shoes. Alvin plowed a path last year, but this year has not had the time to do that. I miss the outside.
6) Leyla (from the clinic) has encouraged me to use "positive self talk" and somehow I have not done that yet. I have "thought" about it.... and well, come to think of it, I do have a ring of verses, pictures, etc that I keep with me. The verses are from the Bible, the pictures are of Everett, Alvin and myself and also a picture of my jeans from years ago and my jeans now. They also have some quotes/thoughts I have written on them. So maybe this is the thing she is encouraging me to do! I have pictures of Everett because I want to be around for a very long time, and able to run with him when he starts walking/running.
7) I have also known for a long time that when I am eating right and exercising - I am a much happier person. Taking care of the "temple" really is what I want to do. God continues to give me strength. I am so thankful.
Yesterday, I was walking into St. Boniface hospital. I had dropped mom off at the door and went to find a parking spot. As I was going up the sidewalk, a young guy came out of the front door of the hospital. He was fairly "fashionable" and thin. But you will laugh when I tell you what I noticed the most. .... I noticed that he was eating a Tim Horton's donut. But it was the way he was eating it that caught my attention. Now, I know that with the H1N1 flu going around, and touching doorknobs etc in a hospital where germs are rampant - you have to be careful. But it just struck me funny.
He had the donut wrapped in his bag (like some people eat a chocolate bar, inching it up out of the wrapper). He was munching off one bite at a time, with the bag wrapped around it. OKAY... I don't think I am the ONLY person who becomes a wild woman when I have a donut in my paws! There is no bag wrapped around it and to be totally honest - it's all I can do to get it out of the bag in one piece! There is not too much thought about germs when I go through a T.H's drivethrough!! Pathetic Joy!! I know, I know. (sigh)
I want you to know that donuts are not part of this week, or the week before... I am learning that giving in to the sweet craving is counteractive to what I feel I need to do!
SO, that being said - I will say God is giving me strength. I am able to journal my thoughts in my 2010 journal and on this blog. I am being pretty transparent here... as I know people do read this blog. You have in essence, just by reading this, joined the group that Lord willing, I have just become accountable to. However... I am doing this for me first. Because I want to be all that I was made to be by the Lord, who is my strength. I want to be all I can be - for my health and wellness, for my husband, my kids and my grandchildren.
I realize that in life - each of us likely struggles with "some thing" and my struggle is with weight. But, God is my strength! With God I can in 2010!
Love to you all! (maybe you have some good tips and or some good recipes! Feel free to share them!) t T F n (ta, ta for now!)
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