Wednesday, September 27

Vows to My Own Dear Heart - "given" to my daughter on the 26th of Sept.


This picture was a screen shot - which has the extra's in and I can't take out lol 
But we were wearing matching dresses <3

The story behind this poem is that as part of my soul care course, I had to (two years ago) write “vows to my own dear heart” as  Cathy Hardy encouraged us to write what we felt, and what we saw as our hearts carried so much and what would we say to our own dear hearts.

I wanted to rewrite a new one, a new “Vow to My Own Dear Heart”.  So I did, on September 3rd as I was at the lake.  

On Monday,  God made it clear I needed to write it out and give it to my daughter yesterday, September 26th.  So I did.   

I told her this:  

“As you read it, it is as if you are speaking to your heart - to the core of your being as you see yourself and how God is with you.  But I also feel like it is like my seeing you - seeing you as my strong tower of strength daughter - how I described you on Sunday as God gave me that picture of you as I saw you across the room.”    (this was during worship last Sunday, and as I looked at my daughter, I saw her I believe, through the eyes of God.  She looked like a strong tower, safe, grounded, secure, on the top of rocks.  The ocean was beating the rocks with one crashing wave after another.  And she, the tower, stood.  This was for me, her mom, a beautiful image as I looked at her in worship.  A momma’s heart is always for her kids, but it seemed that it was a reminder that Jesus heart is always for his kids too!!  

So here it is - the poem that I wrote for me, for my heart originally, but was told to send to her yesterday, to be spoken to Ashley's own dear heart,  from her Mom who watches, sees, encourages, loves and prays for her, with an extra dose yesterday, Sept. 26th.  

Vow to My own dear Heart

Hey there beautiful - beloved one, daughter of the King

I see you

Your heartbeat is strong

It’s rhythm is steady

You’ve weathered a storm 

and you have come out slightly tattered 

and torn but whole

You are courageous dear one

You’ve encountered the grief sprung upon you

and the waves of sadness 

and anger

and  just plain shock!

As you were blown into bits 

yet still pumping

Trying to keep it together

trying to feel more than just numb

Seeing chards around you

but determined you would not die

But you would come together

with the same heart beat, but stronger

more aware

and even more deliberate and intentional

To take care of yourself

amidst the broken pieces


and stench of betrayal

You.  Are.  Strong.

Your Maker has brought your pieces back together

to make you whole

He’s given you increased determination



and love

Take courage dear heart!

You are so loved!

You are so needed!

I will cherish you 

and protect you

Because I need you.

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