I walk
The big yard light has turned off at the time my husband thinks all will be in bed
But I am outside walking
Breathing in and breathing out
Listening as my boots make my tell-tale sound
I have been told a few times that I have a very distinctive walking sound lol\
White lights on porch illuminating my every step
It feels warm out compared to walking a week ago in the minus 30’s
I am thankful for the reprieve
When all of creation is still
And hunkered down for the night
I walk the deck
It sounds silly but for me it is safety
When the driveway has melted and iced
And with a few falls under my belt, I am opting for safety
It works and for some reason doesn’t get monotenous
Listening to the wooden bamboo wind chime
The sound distinctly its own
Not like the beautiful toned sound of my other wind-chime
But something about this bamboo wind chime is soothing tonight
The wind has picked up
Still not cold, but a very distinct wind
My iPhone is in the hood of my jacket, as close to my ears as possible
That way I can listen to the story on audible as I walk
Although whenever I round the corner, the wind and chimes threatens to drown out the words
My heart feels like it is carrying many things
My head is full with thoughts that if dwelled on individually,
Just one would be enough to make me lay down and sleep the day away
Cocooned under the feather quilt
In a fetal position
Unsure of how to carry the load
Its a lot
And the best thing I can do is pray
For each one
For each circumstance
And sometimes often the prayers are seasoned with tears
This is not mine to take on, but I can surely walk alongside of the one with the burden
I am thankful I can pray and hold up the arms of the one who is weighed down
I can also listen, and make a safe place for the story that may be shared
And I know that the Spirit is in it with us,
And interceding with groans that the Father hears.
Lately as I have been walking, I listen to an audible story
The story I have chosen is one of a woman who I follow on instagram
And she has also written her story about her journey -
A journey with cancer
I am not sure what draws me to her story
Or anyones hard story really
But I am
Perhaps it is my enneagram number
Or the fact that I have walked with others through end of life
Or maybe I just see where I can learn something from people who care enough to be vulnerable
That in itself is hard
As these days everyone feels they have the right to rip a strip off of someone that they don’t agree with
What’s with that anyhow
When did we become such an entitled bunch of know it all people
I walk tonight
Sound of wooden chimes clanging
Wind rustling past my face
My thoughts are in a heap
And I am trying to discern which ones to pay heed to
My week has been one of friendship and family
One of hugs and kisses
And a week of deep knowing, sorrow and loss
For me to walk in the stillness of this dark night
Is a balm for my soul
I walk and realize that many conversations have been had
And things have impacted me in great ways
A week full of school work
Reading books
Pondering stories told from siblings about ancestors
A week full of hearing of a life lived all out
And a life given a diagnosis with a time frame attached
In my thoughts I think backwards to what I was doing this time years ago
As well as the things I did today
This week I have heard many stories told
Amidst laughter and tears
And the sound of a drum and a song being sung as part of an Indigenous renaming ceremony
I have hugged my grandkids and told them again how much I love them
I have drank coffee and bought coffee for others
I have eaten supper with friends and studied the Word with other women
I have enjoyed fresh biscuits and jam and conversation
I’ve listened to the beautiful song of the chickadees that are loving the bird food on my deck
And I wait with anticipation for my Jays to realize I have peanuts for them again.
I am serenaded by the song that plays when my dryer is done,
And the beeping that notifies me the dishes are clean.
Sure some work has been done
But for the most part it has been a slow week
A much needed slow week of pause. Of reflection. Of sitting with my thoughts.
It has not been a week that has been very visually productive
There is so much to clean and sort
To organize and to throw away
But instead I nestle in my big white chair that is facing the outside
And I sit and think
Read Scripture and highlight the same
Talk to God in prayer, and also in written journalling
It seems like my body does not want to move
As if it is protesting
And one wonders if the B12 liquid will ever do its job
To restore energy and dispel fatigue
Sure the walking feels good
But to do other things, seems like that can wait for now ..
I will do it tomorrow
Because today it just feels like there are too many thoughts to contend with and acknowledge
To many stories to hear and to keep safely
Too many feelings to hold in the depths of my being.
Im not trying to figure them out
It seems okay to just .. hold them
I have walked
I have written
I have thought
I have now been yawning and I feel like nighttime is also coming for this gal
And tomorrow ~
I will walk again
For that, I am thankful
Because I know I do not walk alone
My thoughts that spin are okay to spin
The stories are safe to hold
This life is full and it is a journey
And I know who is walking it with me
Tonight, in the dark, with the wind, and the blowing chimes
I am thankful.
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