Sunday, December 28

back rubs, nighttime conversations and memories

"he would like to say good-night ..."
As our kids came down the steps after having tucked the boys into bed, we knew that we had the chance for a goodnight kiss, a few words and a tuck in of two of our little "grands"
It was a chance for us to watch the boys tonight, and we got there in time for the tuck in (which is one of my favourite times as it is a chance to talk about stuff.  You know - boy to Granny stuff.
The kind of things that make a granny's heart "full" to overflowing.
Tonight was no different.

So here are some of my thoughts, my take-aways from tonight's tuck in of one little boy, our oldest grandson this side of heaven.

How I love tucking you in - sweet five year old.
Yes, you reminded me that you are no longer 4.
Five years, when did you get so big?
At what point did you turn from the baby to the toddler
To the four year old and now the five year old that seems older than his years?
Where did the time go?  Does that mean Granny is getting older too?
I love tucking you in.  I love tucking each one of my grandkids in!
You love the fact that I am patient in the back rubbing department!
Really, I am patient because I love this time with you.
Granny, your hands are cold!  
So I suggested that I rub your back on top of your jammies instead of under your jammie top
but you insist that no, you want me to rub your back right on top of your skin, its okay if my hands are cold.
You are wearing the dinosaur jammies we gave you.
You love the fluffiness of them, and you are cozy.
You are covered with the fuzzy grey blanket that was part of your birthday present.
You love the feel of the cozy blanket and now you lay there wrapped in it.
Cuddling your stuffed animals
Otis your horse and Milo your cat.
You tell me that your blanket has two names.  By day it is called snakie but at night it is called cozy.
I rub your back and you tell me of all the things that are running through your thoughts.
"We are feeding PINKEYPIE (Matilda's fish) ~ Auntie (and uncle and Mattie) are gone for 8 days - Granny what day is this?  I wonder why Auntie didn't take us with here.  Remember our pool in Florida and when I went in, and it was deep and Auntie got me (yes, I said, which is when Daddy said you never were to go into the pool without an adult)."
You remembered that.  Florida is a warm wonderful memory of being together for all of us.
You continued on "I wish we were there together too.  
Did you know that Dinosaur's eyes are scary when you see them? Except for the T-Rex, they are different and not scary. 
At this point Poppa came in and said good-night.  He had just finished putting your brother to sleep. 
I continued to rub your back - watching you as you arranged your blankie, and got yourself into a more comfortable spot.
I told you how when I rubbed your back and watched you, you made me think of when I was a younger mommy and when your daddy was small.
"You look so much like your daddy when I used to rub his back at nighttime."
"Granny one day I will be a daddy and a poppa or a grandpa.  And Roger will be a daddy and a poppa or a grandpa.  I am going to get married to (slight pause) _____  
Oh yes I said, you told me _____ loves God.
Yes, and I love God too.
Everyone at our church loves God."

I continued to rub his back and figured he was nearly asleep and yet when I got up to go he quickly looked up and asked where I was going.
I said to go and talk with Poppa, and I would be back.
Within minutes he was fast asleep ...
You don't need me to come back up for another back rub or kiss tonight.
You my sweet boy, are fast asleep
Maybe dreaming about 5 year old things, or about one day being a poppa or a grandpa
about dinosaurs or Florida family memories.
Or maybe just so cozy that you are soundly sleeping with no dreams.
Regardless sweet boy, you are precious, beautiful, and a gift to me
Tonight I just rubbed your back, not the other kids
But I know how blessed I am by all my grandkids
so very 
back rubs
nighttime conversations
this granny loves these precious times

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