Tuesday, January 15

The Sound of His Voice

The Sound of His Voice

soft yet loud
loving and reassuringly familiar
calling me by name ...
my earthly given name ~ Joy
my God-given name ~ Beloved

it's been a while
I acknowledge that
I've missed sitting with my Father
missed the times of being still
and "cozying up on his lap"as it were
letting the hustle and the bustle noise dim as I "just be"

memories of when He spoke loudly into my quiet space
     interrupting the silence and bursting in through the tears running down my cheeks
that morning years ago, when the words boomed - as loud as if He were in front of me

it's been a while since that morning
years in fact
but the memory instills in me the knowledge that the Almighty cares
and lovingly speaks ...
but I need to be still enough to hear

yes, I have missed that
... the stillness of body, soul and mind
... the stillness that allows life to slow down
... distractions to diminish in that time frame

And today, I know I need to just "be"
because I know
beyond a shadow of a doubt
that my Father longs for that time of sitting with Him
HE speaks
in my moments of just "be-ing"
... being still
... being attentive
... and waiting as if sitting on the edge of my seat to hear

And I recognize HIS voice
soft yet loud
loving and reassuringly familiar
HIS voice calling me by name
Father to Daughter
Beloved to Beloved
my heart fills with the tangible sweetness of HIS presence
and with the sound of HIS voice
and I know there is no other place I would rather be
but here