they just run
one after another - overlapping, tumbling thoughts ~
I have often wondered when someone will invent a device
that can be attached to your head
and record every single thought that runs across your mind.
then again ~
maybe we don't want them all recorded,
as they may not be suitable for other people to read about!
Thing is - people don't need to know about all our thoughts
but God knows my thoughts
whether they are written or thought of
whether they are spoken out loud or in the heart
He knows.
I sit here this morning
at my computer
It seems that I think I have something to say
but feel too tired to pick up my pen and write it in longhand ~
So I sit here ...
coffee cup beside me
computer in front of me
and thoughts whirling around in my head
a million thoughts a minute.
The sounds of the morning ~
wind chimes on deck
(these chimes were expensive, and have stood the test of time)
The sound is like heavens music, if you can imagine that
these sounds bring joy <3 p="">
The birds are singing ~
many different sounds and songs
representing the many different birds in our area
there is a reason why they are called SONG BIRDS!
I thank God for these winged friends who bring joy with their melody
Motorcycles are driving down Henderson
We are far enough removed that the sound is not offensive in any way
but it always gives me a picture of freedom lol
Wind in your face.
Sun on your shoulder.
It always seems like you are riding fast when you are on the back of a bike!
*note - maybe we should go for a ride today
Inside I hear the sounds of a dryer going
and the washing machine washing clothes
and as each of them comes to the end of their cycles
a beautiful little childhood melody plays ...
It makes me thankful that I have a home to live in, and clothes to wear and appliances to wash and dry them.
I realize not everyone has this luxury.
So when I hear the childhood melody - I will say thank you LORD for these practical blessings
My commercial coffee maker warms up the water in its internal tank.
Reminds me that it is also a luxury I likely take for granted
A big cup of coffee
Red Lake Coffee at that. (it is hard to switch to anything else once you've had this!)
My cup on the table reminds me that I am loved.
It is a cup given to us on our anniversary, and the friend knew I collect hearts
As they are #remindersofhislove
So often we I go through life taking for granted the things that are in my life
Blessings that I don't alway see as a blessing any more because it has become routine
So today, my cup calls me back to HIM - to HIS LOVE for me - my Jesus.
And drinking from this cup, seeing the hearts is a reminder that He is all over my day.
My thoughts run a million thoughts a minute
About my life - my marriage with my sweet man
Yep I take that for granted too
How years ago a 16 year old guy walked down steps into the school cafeteria
And I knew he was then one.
So often my thoughts can focus on what I don't have... instead of what I do have.
An amazing husband who loves and cares and brings so many things into my life/our life together
I am humbled to think of how life could have gone
with someone else, or being born into a different family, or being born in a country
Do your thoughts go there sometimes too?
My thoughts are a million thoughts a minute it seems
about my family
my kids - all four of them
and my grandchildren - 1 in heaven and 4 here with us!
My thoughts can often border on worry but mostly are filled with joy
And thanksgiving to God for giving me the husband, and kids and grandkids that I have
Oh He has been so good to me!
My thoughts these days are many - too many to count
The circumstances change daily
I don't have to say the word for anyone reading to know what I am talking about.
Thoughts swirl around our health and our safety.
But the thoughts also swirl around the beauty of this time of year
The buds that will soon come and open
The fluff from the poplars that will fly and put my allergies into overtime
Wood-ticks that may crawl on us and hopefully found before they dig in for their lunch
Ponds that have the frogs croaking
No doubt tadpoles that will be swimming
Gardening that will get done once the last frost happens
These thoughts of mine
whirring a million thoughts a minute
are like butterflies that are flying all over the place
here one moment and then gone off ...
my kids laugh at that,
how I can come up with something in the midst of a different conversation ...
can I blame it on age? lol
My thoughts these days can be calm and then change to anxiety
some fear of the unknown ahead
But He usually gives me the assurance that HE (my God) has it all under control
My thoughts don't have to make sense
I may not understand HIS thoughts or ways, and TBT I rarely do.
But He is saying, you are going to be okay
Hold on - don't let go of me - just keep walking and when those times come that you cant
I will carry you
You are going to be okay
Actually you are going to be more than okay.
My thoughts are of relationships that are put to the test
people that are lonely due to restrictions.
Churches that have gone to online live services
New worship songs coming out in the midst of it all speaks to HOPE beyond what we know
Hope found in Jesus!
My thoughts are of someone we love who is getting closer to heaven it seems
thoughts of why God don't you heal HERE on earth
mixed with thoughts of knowing God is Sovereign and knows the plan for each of us
my loved one included
My thoughts change in the darkness of night
when everything is still
everything is literally dark because of night
those thoughts some nights hinder sleep from coming easily
My thoughts if spoken out loud would be
will something good really come out from this
or will we quickly forget this time that you had us in
a time of slowing down
of being with those we love
of reading THE WORD
of praying
and times of worship
And my thought are that this is time of resetting
A time of recasting vision
A time of drawing us back to the heart of the Father
He is reminding us that in the midst of this unknown
HE never changes.
My thoughts are about how the time of being alone, and quiet here without retreaters to host
has created so much space for me to sit with the LORD
in stillness
in rest
and to listen
And beyond the wind chime and the birds
Beyond the sound of motorcycles or lawn tractors
Beyond the sound of my coffee maker and washer/dryer
I hear him.
He speaks
My journals are full of recorded conversations over the past few weeks
Yes - I said recorded conversations.
Ask me about that sometime.
He speaks in a voice I hear.
Before He speaks, I know that He has drawn me into a place, and a position where I am ready
To hear what He has to say
As a Father to his daughter
As a Bridegroom to his Beloved
He speaks
As the sheep recognize the voice of the Shepherd
I (as one of those sheep) no longer question if the voice I hear is God.
Because I recognize Him.
My thoughts that are running a million thoughts a minute seem to still in that time
And I hear him speak
I write down the words, the conversation
Like a mad woman - not fully understanding it all
Until after we "sign off" with "I love you LORD"
I then go back and read it.
Father to daughter - His love letter to me.
I am thankful that in the midst of my life
When my thoughts are whirring much like my washing machine is right about now -
That I can hear OVER my thoughts
And can hear HIS thoughts - which are music to my ears and my heart
Not unlike the wind chime that sings with the breath of the wind stirring it
So the breath of the Holy Spirit stirs me
And my heart calms
All gets quiet
except for His voice.
Coffee thoughts on a Thursday morning
representing a cross section of an hour of my life
Full and overflowing
Yet still and I am able to be in the "present" with the Presence of the Holy Spirit.
And I sit from the mug with hearts on it.
I take in the sounds and sights
And I feel His presence with me
And I sip coffee ...
And hear him say - "It's all Going to be OKAY ... actually Joy, it's going to be more than OKAY.
written with love,
PS take some time to enjoy this song - listen to the words! You're Gonna Be Okay