Tuesday, December 4

@ The Mark Centre

(these thoughts were put to paper while I was on silent retreat at the Mark Centre in Abbotsford, BC)

I see you
above me
below me
before and behind me
no where can I go that you are not there
in the darkest green of the holly bush with its blood red berries
in the feathery boughs of cedar dancing to the music of the wind
in the steady rain falling and running down my window pane
and the cool breeze blowing through the partially open window

I see you
even though I don't actually "see you"
although I long for more
for the eyes and the smile that I imagine when I think of you
I see you in creation which is your signature
nothin is without you
it speaks loudly to my soul
and is something tangible
to see
to hear
to hold
In that - I experience you

my love and my life
the One whose breath brought my being to life
the One whose touch is as gentle as the skin of a newborn
or the delicacy of a rose
or the mist that comes down as fog in the fallen
You are there
evidenced in laughter of family, whispers of conversation,
in calling birds, the hand hold of two seniors and the sung prayers

You are there - I feel you
like one feels their loved one
present but silent
beside, yet not clinging
walking in step without talking

You are there
my soul feels your presence
my soul feels your joy
my being is brought to life by you

You speak
sometimes audible
often not, but in a away that is hard to explain
I hear you
I record our conversations 
often writing like a mad woman
only to letter read it and see the most beautiful conversation
Bridegroom to Bride
Creator to the Created
Redeemer to the Redeemed

You are life to me
water to my thirsty soul
and nourishment that feeds, fuels and transforms
I don't see you but yet I do
and my eyes fix on you
You - my love, my life
my all!

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