The last couple of weeks have been amazing. We were away with our besties in a place that can easily be called paradise! Let's face it, swaying palm trees, beautiful blue water, soft sand are all recipes for rest and relaxation. For me, it is also the place I hear God speak. Don't get me wrong, I hear him speak in my house too, and in the hot tub, and in the car as I drive BUT there is something about walking alongside the ocean and just being with God. Or at least, that is what I experience.
We had the joy of getting away to the Dominican Republic. Back to Punta Cana which we had been before when we did a mission trip combined with a second week at a resort to debrief. The DR is beautiful! People are happy and so friendly. Food is amazing. And the sand, palm trees and ocean .. well you know.
While I was away, and in the last two days since coming home, I have decided to take some action to one thing that God has made clear to me. That besides Sunday, which USED to be considered the Sabbath when I was growing up, I believe God is calling me to take a Sabbath once a week. Sunday has become more than what it used to be - with having my husband working shift work for so many years, and then for the past ten years almost, I have had to work on Sundays often SO Sunday is not really my sabbath any more. And if you are reading this, and honest - I would venture to say you are not experiencing sabbath the same way either.

Years ago, a book was highly recommended to me by a young friend who is like a peer mentor to me, Karen. She encouraged me to read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Cormer. So I have purchased it, read it, marked it up a lot! Shared it with others. And now have been reading it again. John talks about the importance of Sabbath. And how he has done it. This book spoke to my friend Karen and she has also begun taking sabbath years ago, and has encouraged me to do the same.
I find it rather embarrassing to say that she encouraged me to do that YEARS ago, and now I am finally making the intentional plan to do so. I have picked the day. Put it into the calendar with a no ending repeat ... I am working on some details and Lord Willing will begin next week. I am excited in a weird way! Maybe a little anxiety. The thing I do NOT want it to become ever, is a legalistic discipline! I also realize with ministry, there may be some give and take about day of the week and having to change it the odd time. We will see. But yes, excited!!
My friend & spiritual Director (Cathy) has encouraged me to put self-care into my calendar as well - times where I can attend to me, my whole being. She has encouraged me to think of it as daily/weekly/monthly/ quarterly and yearly. I am still working on some of that decision making, but I am getting there.
She also challenged me on how I say I really want to get up early for my Quiet Time with the LORD and asked what I was doing about that ... (I want to say that there is more behind this question, but we can talk over coffee if you really want to know lol it was a bit embarassing to say lol ) So, the LORD and I have been meeting in the morning - often quite early for our time together, with more spilling out during the day. (Ask the LORD to wake you, and he will!)
The other thing I have been talking to the LORD about is the word He gave me for this year. The word is TIME. I actually ordered a ring from @LisaLeonardDesigns with the word "time" stamped on it. I have been doing rings for years - not sure they will be good for anyone when I am gone, but it is good for me to have it so upfront and close to see to remind me. The word "time" may mean many things - so that is what I am asking the LORD to unpack for me. I have a feeling HE will in his time!!
So needless to say, life is never dull. It is a time of learning and growing. A time of being still and listening. A time of talking and writing. A time of transition for this almost 65 year old gal!
I have a feeling this year has many things in store! It has already been pretty great with some travel with our kids and grandkids in January and now lately our travel to the D.R with our besties Al and Janet. BUT I believe this year holds many things. That idea could paralyze a person. I remember one other year that I began by writing in my journal that I knew God held whatever he had between Jan 1 of 2008 till December 31st, 2008. If you have been a friend, you know our hearts were shattered into a million pieces that year with the loss of our Grandson Jay Benjamin Klassen. So whenever I write things like "I have a feeling this year has many things in store", I will be honest, there is this weird sense "Joy, you have no clue what may be in store" and thing is ... that is true.
However my LORD has it all under his watchful eye, and his mighty care and He knows about my whole year. So, #GodsGotThis !! Till then, I am going to follow him on the things he is telling me - to begin to observe a sabbath for myself weekly, and to continue to put things in my calendar that help me with soul care and self care in a way pleasing to the LORD. And to keep asking him to clarify my word "time" for 2023.
Ask me about it sometime - let's pour a cup of coffee or meet somewhere and chat. Hey it could even be on my Sabbath day, as it will be a time to rest and to worship.
Thanks for listening to my rambling thoughts! Feel free to comment, would love to hear from you.
with love,