Tuesday, July 9

Yay Jesus!

I grew up with a song that my mom used to sing to me, and I think we may have sang it in Sunday School although I am not positive.  I know I have blogged about this song before (or am pretty sure I have).  The thing is - it has never left me!  I love it although it is an "oldie" (like this granny!)  I began singing it to our little E. when he was a baby.  I remember singing it to R. too.  And now I am singing it to little M.

It seems to have the same effect on all the kids when they were little.  It would stop them from wiggling or fretting, or crying.  They would stop and look at me and listen.  Mattie is no different, although I noticed something very obvious when I sing it to her.  At first I thought I was just imagining it, but then I mentioned it to Ashley.  And then we tried a few rounds and laughed when our "imagination" proved to be true.

You see, it goes like this:
The birds upon the treetops sing their songs
The angels chant their chorus all day long
The flowers in the garden blend their hue
So why shouldn't I
Why shouldn't you
Praise Him too!

But then I always add something.
I go "Yay Jesus" and clap my hands and put them in their air
(it is not a part of the song originally lol)

Well a little while ago, I realized that Mattie knows exactly when to start getting excited and actually says "Yay" and like I said at first I was thinking I was imagining it, but NO!!
Mattie gets excited right at the time when it is TIME to say YAY JESUS!!

It is so simple.
So sweet.
But so exciting.

As Grandparents, we pray for our sweet grandchildren, that when they are old enough to understand, that they would give their heart to Jesus Christ too.  I watch them loving Jesus already in very simple ways, and stand amazed at how their hearts are already turned toward Him.  Jesus said that a little child will lead them.  I think if we all got excited so simply by the name of Jesus - oh my heart - our lives would be turned upside down.  Jesus makes my heart stand in awe - and I thank Him for all that He has done for me, and my family and my extended family and beyond.  I do not take for granted that I was raised in a christian home.  I do not take for granted the legacy of faith passed down - from Grandparents (my side being THOMAS an Alvin's side - KLASSEN) and down to our parents (Dolly & Geri Thomas/ John & Olga Klassen) and then to us (Alvin and I) and down to our kids and our grandkids.  Great Is YOUR faithfulness!!


ps. I also posted today on one of my other blogs

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