Monday, January 16

Give me Jesus

Morning came early as my Sweet Man gets up early.  I am learning to love early but my body isn't always as convinced.  But I got up, and made his lunch to take to the job site today.  And then sat down in my favorite space in front of the fireplace.  Bible - Journal - pens/markers/ etc - and began to read.  I have been following an app on my phone called First5, and loving the study through Joshua.
God gave me these verses many years ago, when He began calling me to retreat ministry.  Believe me, leaving a carry of 20+ years to follow Him on an adventure (I had no clue how much it would be an adventure!!) Well, I needed those verses to tell me to be strong and courageous!!  I needed to read them over and over and over again.  And well, here I am again today.  So strengthened by the Father's love, mercy, grace and strength in my body, soul, mind and spirit.

At this point in time, I feel ready for my day - only three hours after I sat down.  I have read, journalled, meditated on the word, worshipped through song (and doing a little flagging lol)  (Ya, you heard it right, but now you are wondering what in the world flagging is right!!)  And then I went and worked out all the while listening to my friend Cathy Hardy's latest CD

And then I spent some face down time with the Almighty.  I can weep before Him with joy ... and with pain.  I can weep before Him and give him my messy junk and KNOW that He has it all under His control.  I was reminded of that today as I did my QT with the LORD.  I saw today how God gave Joshua instructions that seemed overwhelming and terribly daunting.  And Joshua usually just obeyed "no questions asked" ...  
Joshua Trusted
Joshua Obeyed
and Joshua Followed God's Lead.

So with those words, with the songs of Cathy still in my heart.   With time spent in face down prayer, surrendering all to HIM ... I feel I am ready for this day!!  I have asked for MORE of Him, more songs in my heart, more thoughts of Him, more of the Holy Spirit in my life so that others will see not Joy, but Jesus through me.

What I love about the LORD is that if we ask, He is so willing.  If we seek Him, we find him.  If we want MORE of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we will get more!  He is the ONE who loves to lavish his love on us.  And I am not sure about you - but I want MORE.  

In the morning - when I rise .... Give me Jesus!!
Have a great day!!

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