Where are you precious heart of mine?
In this winter season with memories of Christmas past
And stepping over the threshold of a new year?
What are you feeling?
Dear heart - you are carrying a lot.
Memories tucked away and yet to be unpacked when there is time
Oh how it passes, one tick to another
Minute to hour to day to week to month and year
You have much tucked away to be pondered don’t you?
Dear Heart - I know you have carried every emotion possible over the many many months
Times of laughter and long conversations. Shock and disbelief. Great joy. Deep grief and sorrow intertwined with anger chasing after it at times. And through it all, the emotions that happen when the heart knows the treasure that its family is!
But Dear Heart of mine ~ you’ve grown
You’ve wept and prayed, wept more and prayed more
You’ve been exhausted over and over
You have stuck close to God,
Close to what you believe is right and true.
You’ve helped your family walk, and your kids and grandkids know that family is everything, and we can trust one another to be there for each other.
Dear Heart of mine ~ you’ve soaked up the warm rays of the sun shine and tucked away the sounds of creation praising
You’ve taken in the beauty of life around you ~
The sound of the wind through the trees, the colours of the Creator’s pallet and the smell of the seasons as they moved from Summer to Autumn to Winter to Spring and then through the rotation once again.
To the winter season you are now in,
But still now even in this season, you are still overjoyed to take in the “awes and a-has”
that you have encountered on your daily journey
Dear Heart of mine ~ you are filled with hope for all that lies ahead, both known and unknown.
You sing with the music of your soul that is touched and filled with love, by LOVE.
You know LOVE to be the Trinity that is alive and well and dancing with you in a dance that you are learning
New steps to a tune just being written
LOVE ~ the One who sings over you with delight and rejoices over you ~ and dances
Dear Heart of mine ~ I know you’ve been exhausted at times but you’ve continued to walk the journey
Trusting that LOVE will not let go of your hand
Just like you did with your children and now with your grandchildren
You dear Heart are tired and weary yet so full and overflowing with love and hope
Dear Heart of mine ~ keep breathing. Full breath in and out.
And concentrat in the goodness around us. The goodness of God whom you know deeply and intimately
Feel the breath of the Spirit ~ in and out.
Filling and emptying, in and out.
Life force
Drinking deeply from the Well that never runs dry!
Dear Heart of mine ~ I see you
I see your worth. You are so precious
You are integral to all I do and the reason I do it.
I will protect you with my life because you are precious.
This is my vow to you dear heart of mine!