Saturday, February 15

TURN - my word for 2025


Each year I keep my ear open to what I am being given as per the word for the year.  I have done this for many many years, and often even heard words for my kids.  I believe they do this on their own now.  And then, I have usually gotten a silver ring to wear with the word inscribed on it.

Such it was that I was listening for my word at the end of last year.  There were a few words that came across my heart, such as - family, adventure, rthymns, Joy, time and turn.  Hmm... I needed to sit with these words longer.  And soon one began to stand out as the one to pay attention to.  Okay, at fiurst I did think it could be Joy, as last Christmas, my "spiritual mom" and I exchanged words for each other as a gift of blessing, and she gave me the blessing of Joy. but as much as I loved Joy as my word, I did not feel it was the word for my choosing for 2025.  It felt like one word I could not avoid, it kept rising up.  So after a few weeks into the new year of 2025, I chose it as my word.  TURN

Today I was thinking about it, and looked up the definition.

TURN is to move in a circular direction wholly or pratly around an axis or point.

To move something so that it is in a different position in relationship to its surroundings or previous position. 

I then decided that there needed to be some verses for this year, to accompany my word TURN and these are the ones I have chosen:

Phil. 4:6-7: Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has donel. Then you will expdrience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5:7:  Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you. 

Prov. 3: 5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do and he will show you wwhich path to take.

Prov. 16:9:  We can make our plans but the LORD determines our steps.

and Isaiah 46:4:  I will be your God throughout your lietime until your hair is white with age.  I made you and I will care for you.  I will carry you along and save you.

So where do I go with this?  Well, here was some of my reflections from this morning:

TURN is not a negative word, but one that seems like it is positive and brings some anticipation.  It talks about moving in a circular direction around an axis.  I know that my axis is Jesus Christ.  And my circle of life began with God breathing me into being, fearfully and wonderfully made in my mother's womb.  And I know from the same Psalm 139 which is one of my favourites, that he also knows my first day and my last, upon which that day my soul will leave this old body and go to live with him.   So the thought of TURN/turning in this circle of life, with Jesus as my axis, is really resonating with this old gal.

The Scripture that I have to accompany this word for me, for 2025 tells me that I do not have anything to fear in my TURNing.  He knows when I will TURN, and what from, and what towards - and I am good with that.  I know from past history with Jesus as my LORD of my life, that He has been my guide, my provider, and the one who I know I can trust with anything, and that he would give me peace.  So even though neither you or I  know all that this year holds - I do know from past experience that anything I may be concerned over in this year to come, I can give it to him because he says and I know - He cares for me. And I also know that He holds my year ahead.

I also love the Scripture about we can make our plans, but it is really up to God.  SO TRUE.  I just encouraged someone yesterday, when she told me about her plans for the years ahead, to hold them loosely as God is the one that ultimately holds those plans and can redirect our steps very quickly .  And the last Scripture - I know God is my God throughout my lifetime!!  I am so thankful.... and my hair is sort of white or partially, but hoping I am not at the end yet lol.  I am so thankful that God carries me through life.

So with all this in my heart - I am holding onto my word for this year - TURN.  And I have a feeling that God will make things clear to me in his time, and in His way - and that I will be willing to follow his lead knowing that He is the one that directs my steps.    

Oh as I was writing, I was again reminded of another favourite in Isaiah 43:19 where God reminds them that He is doing a new thing even though they do not perceive it.  And to end with - this verse - 

Isaiah 30:21  (ESV):  And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

So onward I go - into 2025.  Seriously we are halfway through Feb.  Where does time go!!

Take care and be encouraged!!

with love,



As I was writing this, the song by Pete Seeger came to mind - Turn, Turn, Turn

As he said, he took the words from Scripture, from Ecclesiasties and put the words to a tune.

Just click on the link - and take a listen!  It is a duet by Judy Collins and Pete Seeger

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