Tuesday, May 3

our little "Sweetness"

I think it is obvious why Jesus says that "unless we become like little children" ... and yesterday our little Sweetness Everett John taught this Granny something important, although I am just realizing it now.

Yesterday I went to spend time with Ev while Leah went to vote and do another errand.  So, we went for a very long walk with him in the stroller.  I stopped along the way so that he could touch things.  We touched new buds on trees.  We touched cedar branches.  We touched pine tree branches.  We drove through puddles.  We "called" the birds.  We listened to the frogs.  And, at the end, I made a "ball" as he calls it, actually a SNOW ball and we touched it, and played with it.  I got such cute pictures, too bad that my free Internet access at Mountain Bean does not allow me to download pictures!

Then we played in the yard.  First of all we changed from his cute little Converse high tops (we just love those) to his little yellow rubber boots and off he went.  He sees everything.  This simply thrills his Papa because this is how Papa works too - noticing all the little things that are otherwise missed.
Everett loves to pick up stones.  He got mud under his fingernails.  He smiled when he saw the neighbors dogs outside.  And then when his Mommy came home we went in. 

Everett is a climber.  He loves to climb on whatever he can, and so his Mommy thought that perhaps he would like to go downstairs to climb on the slide they have.  At this point he was also showing some signs of being tired.  Once downstairs, he decided he would rather watch Sesame Street.  He has fallen in love with Elmo and Sesame Street in general.  He is only allowed to watch one show.  He really gets into it - sits very still - and laughs easily at things that catch his fancy.  He "signs" more... and points or goes up to the t.v.  However, his wise mommy said "no Everett, not this time" 

Now, Everett does not throw many tantrums as such, but he does know what he wants or THINKS he knows what he wants.  It is usually when he is tired that he has trouble with limits.  Leah was telling me that then he also usually will go to the cupboard and want a "cookie" which also has limits.  I watched, trying not to interfere or say anything.  I have told Alvin how I love watching them deal with Everett during this time - so gently and quietly but firmly and consistently. 

In his own little way - he let her know that "but I want it!" and he stamped his little feet a bit, and cried, and really looked determined to get his way.  But his mommy knew best, and gently brought him to her, cuddled him, spoke with him, was firm but loving; gentle but extremely caring.  And before long, he was doing something else - Sesame Street and Cookies long forgotten.

"unless you become as little children..."
Sometimes I "tantrum" "rant" "rave" and "stamp my feet" when I am with my Lord.  Really - why would he always say YES?  He is the loving, kind, gentle, caring parents that lavishes me with so much grace.
Sometimes I (like my grandson) get tired... and when I am tired, I do not make good choices!
Sometimes I (like my grandson) think that something sweet would help "fix" that empty spot ... when what I really need then is to give that feeling/emotion to God.
Sometimes I (like my grandson) thinks that "distraction" solves the places I am in - but my Lord knows way better about what I need - and when I need it.

I think that unlike Everett - sometimes I don't get past it as quickly, as easily.  However I know that like Leah and Josh are such wise parents - my Lord is even wiser/loving (simply because HE IS GOD) and often just takes me and holds me.  Sometimes I actually FEEL that his arms have wrapped about me.

My grandson has/is and will teach me many things.  I just feel that in my granny-bones.  I love watching him - how he "wows" over the things in life.  I thank God for him, our little "Sweetness" as his mommy and daddy refer to him - for my kids (all of them) but most of all I thank God that HE knows what is best and gently directs/guides/loves ME.

also posted  today on www.daring2liveFULLY4him.blogspot.com

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