Last night, and again today, I had the great joy of spending some time with my girls. I imagine that we willl be spending even more tiime as the days go on... since we are less than two weeks until Ashley and Mike get married. I can't believe where the time has gone. It was just March end, when I carried the engagement ring to Cuba for Michael. Not sure who was more nervous about losing a ring.... I must have checked my carryon a million times. That was not quite six months ago, and the time has gone quickly.
Last night we spent time together as we ate supper - and had a chance to talk. I love it when that happens. Part of our conversation last night was around "why people blog?" Okay, I don't have an answer. Perhaps this is part of my therapy :)
Aren't you glad that you are involved in that. (smile)
Last night Ashley came out and stayed with me. She always used to love it when Alvin worked nights, as she would be able to sleep in my bed with me. That continues to this day, however, last night my snoring got the better of her, and when I woke during the night, I found her side empty, as she had gone to another bed to sleep. Such is life!! My snoring even wakes me up sometimes. Last night was one of those nights.
Today I got to spend a little more time with my girls again, as we went for a dress fitting at Sarah's house. Sarah, from church, graciously agreed to do any alterations for us, so there we went with dresses in tow. I watched as the girls tried on their dresses, one espresso brown, and the other a beautiful whiter than white gown!! I can hardly believe how beautiful my girls look. Soon my "baby" will be a wife! And Michael will be my son-in-law for real. It feels like he already is.
The other day I was teasing him about not getting hugs... and also about him calling me "mom" and not by my first name anymore. I remember those days when it was so weird calling Alvin's parents mom and dad... but it became very normal.
Later tonight we got together at Grace cafe for a little bite to eat... and abit more discussion. I realize alot about the girls...
1) they keep me young!
2) they speak honestly to me
3) I learn about God through my girls
4) I love them so much and see why they are so loved by others
5) In my daughter, I see so much of myself, but also so much of Alvin. Interesting how that happens!
6) In my daughter in law, I see how she has become such an amazing partner to my son, and how their strengths compliment one another.
The girls laugh alot together, and in the next moment can be sharing a deep conversation. They love doing things together, and I love being involved in the mix.
I see how my daughter LOVES Leah so much. That was so important, as Ashley loves her brother alot, and it is so cool to see the relationship that has been built between Ash and Leah. Relationships should never be taken for granted.
Today, as other days whenn Ashley has put on her wedding dress, I realize that we are one day closer to seeing her walk down the aisle to Michael. I have no doubt that her dad will be choking back the tears. I have no doubt that it will be one of the most handsome and beautiful wedding parties ever!!
I have thought alot about what to say for our speech. It all sounds good in my mind as I am thinking... somehow those thoughts have to be put onto paper.
Right now there is alot to do, and I realize I need to take it one step at a time.
Soon the day Ashley has been dreaming about since she was little, will be a reality. Along with that, we will see her spread her wings and truly fly, even farther than she has till now. This is what we raised our kids to do!
Today, like the other days, I realize how blessed I am to have the girls I do... who else would get me to buy funky pink glasses!! Who else laugh at my silly thoughts. Who else could make me feel like the most blessed mom in the world.
I have realized over the last few weeks, that family is there for you in the hard tiimes. That family knows how to finish sentences, laughs at dumb jokes, knows what you are thinking, when all you give is the "look". I have realized that we take a lot for granted, but God help me to not take my family for granted ever!
When everything else crumbles - family is there. For ever and ever...
When Ashley was a little girl, she thought that the number 5 was the biggest number she knew. When we would talk about how much we loved each other, she would always tell me that she loved me 5!! It became a game as she got older... but the bottom line is still the same. We love each other 5!! I am so glad that we can express our love for our kids, and they for us. I am so glad that they love to get a hug, a kiss, and to hear and say, I LOVE YOU. I am also so glad that my kids walk with the Lord! All of this together makes me one very happy mom!
God, thank you for my kids, and for my "in-Laws" whom I just refer to as my kids. God you have given gifts of partners to Josh and Ashley, in the form of amazing spouses, Leah and Michael. I pray that you would continue to draw each of us nearer to you, and that you would also draw each of the kids nearer to each other. Lord, help us never to take anything for granted... but in all things to wait for the miracles you are going to do in their lives, and in ours as a family. God, because I know how faithful you are, I know you are trustworthy... I know you are indeed GOD!! You are the great I AM! WE give you praise!! Amen