People who know me well, know how I talk about "God things" or "God Moments" or "kisses from God". Basically God things means that something happened that had no explanation that made sense, other than that it was God ordained/blessed/created. It is a phrase I use when I believe what just happened, could have only been because of GOD!! God moments, are times when I see God in people or situations. Like when I see God through my street friend Barry, when he sings amazing grace (or should I say croons...) or when he recites Scripture to me. (I realize I am going to miss my friend Barry when I am gone on leave). Kisses from God, are things that happen after I have asked Him (God)or told Him how I would just love to have an affirmation of how much He loves me. Often I have asked Him this when I have felt low times, or just alone times, or sometimes just because! (just like my kids used to when they were little!) Yes I will admit, sometimes it seems like I need alot of affirmation, and God doesn't seem to get tired of me asking him!
Now, this doesn't mean that I go around looking to find Jesus' face in everything, or that I try "making things up". (right about now, my kids will remember how when I was on morphine, I was seeing pictures in all kinds of places, including the woodgrain of our deck!) Then there is the story about the person who found an image of Jesus in a piece of burnt toast, and I think they sold it on e-bay or something. (mind you, I did see a "cloud of witnesses" in a photo I took of storm clouds!) Anyhow, back to the toast. I don't try to make anything up, believe me, however I think I have learned to look for God things/moments/kisses in my every day moments. I want to be aware of little things God gives me along the way, and I think God gave me something last night.
Anyhow, the other day, actually last night (this week just seems like it has been forever ) I finally felt like eating something after being so sick... and got home and was cutting up a pepper.went to cut the pepper, washed it, and noticed that it felt like something was moving inside when I shook the pepper.
I made a cut and broke it open and the picture on the top is what I found.
You are likely thinking, oh boy, yep, now she has lost it.... (now, isn't that a first thought!) But really, all I am going to say is... I think this was a kiss from God affirming something again.
I left it there, in fact, it is in a baggie in the fridge (not sure why) but then I took a picture. I just had to smile. God, you did it again.
Sure, some will say coincidence. Some will say, "whatever, I don't get it" but if you know me well, you will understand the picture and my prayers these days.
I called Alvin into the kitchen. I told him to look at the pepper. He needed no explanation... I think he smiled too.
God, this has been such an incredibly hard week. But you have sent me a kiss again, to remind me that even though I complain about your silence, that you are here with me...and that you love me, and Alvin, and Josh and Leah, and Ashley and Mike more than we are likely even imagining or believing at this time. Oh God, please keep loving us, keep hugging us, and Lord, help my unbelief at times. And Lord, please... if you are willing... this is still my plea.
I agree with you that God gave you a picture from nature in that pepper. Last spring, when we were praying about whether to stay in the same community or attempt to relocate, some birds began to build a nest in our grill. We tried to remove the twigs, etc. but they continued to return and busily settle in. My then 13-year-old admonished us to leave them alone and see what they would do. They built an abundant nest, and then placed 4 eggs in it. Eventually they all hatched and went on their way. We felt that it was part of the confirmation from the Lord that we needed, that He has blessed our family of 4 in this home and that He has a plan for us here. The birds made a mess, but they were a great gift!
It made me smile when I read about the phrases you use...kiss from God...God story...moment....
I remember at SNS when I lost the stone from my ring and found it in the weirdest of weird and off the wall places. Do you remember that? ...that was totally a GOD moment! I remember how you shared a God story about losing money rolled up in your pocket (because your purse broke) and then finding it hours later in the middle of winter outside in a spot totally not where you had been in that parking lot.(keeping in mind the gusting wind and the snow and the darkness... You are the one who opened my eyes to the kisses from God and the truth within these events that just seem so far fetched that the only explanation is GOD. I LOVE YOUR GOD STORIES! I love the fact that you love to share them! I share your God stories with people whenever I see an opportunity to do so....
I will share a brief...(if thats possible...lol) one with you.
A few years ago I was at the Forks with Angela and a little friend whom I do respite with. We had the day planned which started with the Forks par and ended with a stop at the candy store. While enjoying the many events inbetween I passed by an elderly man with a young boy...scruffy, worn and the anger and frustration of unsuccessful kite flying had gotten to him. I walked by and knew I could do one of 2 things....keep walking or stop and help and lighten their day... I stopped. As the story goes on we spent time with these two people (son and father) and when the boys face lit up when he saw that kite in the air...well there are no words....
Anyhow we left and made our way to the candy story. As the girls were picking out treats i saw the man and boy walk by and overheard the boy ask for a treat. The dad said he no money for treats. Away they went. I bought some extra treats and left the store. We rushed outside to find the boy to deliver the treats. They were no where to be found. I walked one direction and stopped, sat down and prayed asking God to help me find them. The girls thought I was crazy when I stood up and said...THIS WAY! lol We walked a few blocks ...made a few turns...walked through a building and down another street where a bus was sitting a ways down the block. I approached the bus and said to the driver, "I am looking for some people and I think they are on your bus. Can i come on just to look?" He said sure and so on I went. The father and son were sitting all the way to the back in the middle seat. I said not a word but held out the candy straws. The boy looked at his dad and the dad motioned for him to come to me. I gave him the candy. He thanked me, his dad gave a nod and we left. I have not told this story for a long time. As a matter of fact I had sorta forgotten about it until I read your blog. Thanks for reminding me to keep those God moments alive! To me Joy you are an affirmation in yourself. You and your stories are the affirmations that people like me pray for. I dont think you see that...? I wanted to tell you so because I think it is important for you to know. Im glad God chose to put friendship on the table before us. I am even more glad we listened. Take care and keep sharing!
thanks for sharing that picture mom.
i just showed michael and we both knew what we were all thinking.
love you.
Joy...as soon as I saw that picture I knew what this post was going to be about. I have been praying for the same thing for your family but also that he would comfort and encourage you as I know many others have been too. I believe this could be answer to all those prayer. A bit of encouragement from a God who loves you all and has not forgotten about you!
Love Deanne
PS Thanks again for breakfast.
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