This has been such an amazing day.... it began and ended with conversations with my kids. I spent most of the day at home, and then headed into the city to do a couple errands, drop in at the chiropractor, and then I had coffee at Mountain Bean (the first of hopefully many visits) with Amber, and then over to Grace Cafe with Ashley and Michael for supper, and then coffee with Joanne later at Grace Cafe (we met at Mountain Bean, and there was not a chair to be found so off we went...). As I reflect back to this day, I see where God has affirmed his goodness through family, new friends, old friends, and happenings along the way. I have to admit that I LOVE staying home and often sigh when I have to go into the city... but today was a gift!!
Anyhow, there it was, while we were eating supper at Grace, that the phone rang. I recognized the caller, even though it said "BLOCKED ID" on the call display. I knew it was David, our real estate agent. My heart picked up a few beats. My thoughts were, well here goes, we will have to give a counter offer. David began...."well Joy, they didn't like the offer. (I think my heart sank momentarily) You know somehow I had really prayed that I would trust and not worry or fret, and let God be God. Lately I have had a hard time with this one, and the waiting part of God's timing.
So, back to David... hmmm... they didn't like the offer. Well, it could be because it was $25,000 less than their first listed price, and $15,000 lower than their "reduced" listed price. BUT THEN....this is where the "GOOD NEWS" comes into place... David continued on.... "... they didn't like the offer, but they were glad to hear what the place would be used for, so they will accept the offer you gave." Oh my, God, you have decided that this is the time, this is the place. I was wonderfully caught off guard! You have to know that about 7 years ago, David and I sat in Perkins, as I shared the "vision" with him.... and now, here we were, we have just bought some land!! WOOOHOOOO....
I think both Alvin and I were shocked, as were our kids. Shocked, surprised, excited. Thankful. God, I am so thankful. We are one step closer to the vision that God entrusted to my heart many years ago....
Yes, today has been quite the day. Little did I know when I first woke at about six that this day would end so amazingly.
I want to thank Amber and Joanne, who shared their hearts with me, and allowed me to share my heart with them, which included the "vision of Women Refreshed at the Well."
I want to thank all of you who read this blog, or facebook, and have been praying.
This is not my vision. This is HIS vision laid on my heart.... I am just the conduit.... the clay vessel that He is using to bring this about. God give both wisdom and strength to follow on.
To GOD BE THE GLORY..... and as my good friend Lynda said to me many years ago, in regards to this vision, "fasten your seatbelt Joy, you are in for a ride!"
I think we all are!!
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