Ever had questions that roll around in your head, that have no answers to, or perhaps you don't care if there is an answer... but it is a question none the less..
- where do falling stars go
- why does coffee taste so good in the morning
- why are all the things I like to eat, bad for me
- what are dreams about
- why do I see colors before I get my migraines
- why do people fight
- why are so many people starving in the world
- how did my husband learn to do so many things
- why do certain smells take us back to certain experiences i.e. the smell of crayones takes me back to kindergarten
- did God laugh when he made the raccoon
- why do we crave affirmation
- why do our feelings get so easily hurt
- how does the fur on a bumblebee feel
- is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes
- what does my dog Oreo think of when he dreams at night
- what purpose do goldfish have
- why are sundogs called sundogs?
- how do huge planes stay in the air
- does anyone ever read the emergency cards in the back of the airplane seat ahead of you
- why is walking in a gentle rain feel so good
- who invented knitting
- where do earthworms go in winter
- what is the purpose of a woodtick?
- why do we crave "touch" from those we love
- what is the length of the yellow dotted lines in the middle of a highway
- why does it seem that deer wait till you are there by them, before they jump in front of your car
- why do we find it hard to take compliments
- why is it easier to criticize someone
- how does God hear all our prayers at once
- why do I hate to exercise even though it is so good for me
- why does chocolate taste so good
- which comes first, the chicken or the egg
- what makes my dog Oreo "smile"
- why was I born in Canada, and someone else in Ethiopia
- why didn't my parents live in Florida instead of Canada
- who invented latte's
- when Adam woke up from his sleep, was he instantly madly in love with Eve
- who invented peanut butter cups
- why is discipline in my life so hard
- when do the geese know its time to fly back
- how many grains of sand on the beaches
- where does the ocean end and begin
- what will our skin color be in Heaven, or will we be all colors
- do angels escort us to Heaven when we die
- why do people with straight hair get perms and people with curly hair use a straightener
- why is a dollar called a buck
- do dentist's have a complex because everyone hates them
- how much is an old two dollar bill worth now
- why does a kiss feel so good
- .....
many more random thoughts. Have you ever thought of what runs through your head? Don't spend too much time on it, but hey, it was just a little bit of fun.
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