1. Travelled → yes quite a bit. We have travelled alot with our kids - to Disney World 4 times, Cuba twice and the Dominican Republic once (did service with our kids on this one.) Alvin and I have done a few cruises - Caribbean, Hawaiian Islands including Fanning Island at the equator - we have also done service trips (2) to the Dominican Republic, and one to Thailand. I love to travel!! Last Jan. Alvin and I went to see my sister and her husband in South Padre Island - Texas!!
2. What is your weakness → cd's, books and cards to send people! Food wise - it is definitely chocolate and sweets - I wish it weren't so!
3. Laughed until you cried → more times than I could ever count! Alvin and I, and the kids and us often laugh till tears! I think laughter is a strong component of our marriage and our family!
4. Met someone who changed you → lately, I have to say my Grandson Jay! And also my counsellor Mary - the input that has happened in my life was unexpected (both extreme joy and extreme sorrow) Of course my life has also been changed through my husband and family too!!
5. Found out who your true friends were → oh yes - especially during the 3 months I was off work on leave.
6. How many kids do you want to have → always thought I would have five. Had Josh, and then Ash, and knew we were done. Two was great. Now we have 4!!
7. Do you have any pets → currently our border collie Oreo - who is quite deaf and blind but continues to be eager to see us and very loyal! Okay, then we have Josh and Leah's two cats - Vanilla and Louis!! Anyone want a cat? :)
8. Do you want to change your name → never!! When I was born, apparently my mom had wanted to call me Dawn. I love my name, although people always ask if it is JoyCE? However, when I was 5 I was going to run away - yep, packed a little black suitcase, stood at the door and called my mom and said, "aren't you even going to say good-bye?" When she came to say good-bye I melted and changed my mind. This was all because I wanted to change my name to Carol. Not sure why? Haven't had the urge to do this since! I love my name!
9. What did you do for your last birthday → Came into the city to visit mom k. at the hospital - went to the Forks to wander abit - and then Ashley proceeded to take me on a treasure hunt for clues - each one with a riddle and a new place to go - ending up meeting Alvin at the Forks, getting the next clue which was a Gold-Eye's game that the kids took us too (long standing tradition, except I ususally take everyone on my birthday!) Good game, but very cold outside - got the last clue which took us to Hu's on first for supper, and gifts - it was a wonderful fun evening. But then again, anytime with my kids and husband are great times!
10. What time did you wake up today → 5:50 am when the alarm went off.
11. What were you doing at midnight last night → trying to fall asleep - sleep is always an issue for me
12.Name something you CANNOT wait for → the arrival of our Second grandbaby in December.
13. Last time you saw your father→ November 2nd, just before he passed away.
14. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish I had actually followed through with getting my education degree and teaching kindergarten.15. What are you listening to right now → nothing.
16. What's getting on your nerves right now? → I have had a continual cough for past 3 years - had it checked out - but it is so annoying -
17. Most visited webpage → hmmm.... google
18. Nicknames → Georgie, Jogee, Soup, Sal, Muddy Waters, Two feathers - (Alvin likes those because they are going back to my metis roots he says!)
19. Relationship Status → happily married for almost 31 years, and dated for almost 4 before that - Alvin and I have been IN LOVE for almost 35 years out of our 51 years of life!
20. High school you attended → MBCI (grade 11 and 12) Beausejour Senior School before that.
21. Hair color → auburn - although now I dye it, as I have many greys - and so now I have blondd hilites
22. Long or short → on the shorter side right now, right around my chin
23. Height → 5'5
24. Do you have a crush on someone? → gotta be my husband, but some of the little guys at church i.e. Jack and Kieran definitely steal my heart!
25: What do you like about yourself? → I am loyal, and a good listener. I like that I love being a wife and mom
26. Piercings → just my ears - two in one, one hole in the other. I told Alvin that I want to get my nose pierced and my girls both said they were thinking of that too. time will tell.
27. Tattoos → I have a small tatoo in honor of my grandson, on my right wrist (inside)
28. Righty or lefty → righty
22. First surgery → gall bladder - when I was 24
23. First piercing → ears - at 16
24. First best friends → my friend Joanne (lived in Winnipeg) then my best friend Josie, who I became friends with in grade 4 and we remain friends!!
25. First sport → Baseball - also did figure skating, and soccer and I was a cheerleader grade 6,7 and Cheerleader captain for 8-10 (quit laughing - I was actually quite good!)
26. First vacation→ went to BC with my parents - also went on the train - loved that.27. First concert → Chicago (the band)
28. First crush - That I can remember... Billy (grade 3)
29. First Love - Real love -- Alvin. (I had boyfriends prior, but it was only when I met Alvin that I just knew he was the one that I would marry - it was different!)
30. Eating → nothing - but it is past lunch - gotta run and get something.
31. Drinking → had some coffee
32. I'm about to → get ready to go grab something for lunch.
33. Listening to → We already had this question - nothing
34. Waiting for → ... nothing right now
35. Want kids? → maybe this should read - want grandkids?? Yes - I am a granny of one and look forward to the second in December and even more - I have lots of love to give!
36. Want to get married? → already am - AND Alvin and I renewed our vows in a big party - about 100 people or more - in 2003.
37. Careers in mind? → well, since I have resigned from the pastorate - the next career involves the ministry for women see womenrefreshed.wordpress.com
38. Lost someone special? → yes - my Granny, when I was 16, and then my mom, my dad a year later, my father-in-law, and my Grandson Jay.
39. Been depressed? → walked through a deep depression about 10 years ago.
40. Been drunk and threw up? → Nope, never
41. Broken someone's heart → Nope
42. Had your own heart broken → yup, see #38
43. Cried when someone died → my tears are endless - there is a verse in the Bible that talks about God collecting my tears in a bottle - I figure he has many huge pails lined up somewhere - I never knew I could cry so many tears - especially over my little Jay
44. Yourself → Yes, most of the time
45. Miracles → oh yes - although I think the whole topic is bigger than we think - and looks differently than we expect
46. Heaven → I often think of Heaven and picture my loved ones there.
47. Santa Claus → we used to let our kids believe in Santa until they started asking questions. I vowed I would never lie to them.
48. God or a Higher Power? → God. Of course!! Oh my, where would I be without my God! Almighty - everlasting - GOD!
49. Drink - I like Coffee - mostly black but strong and bold - sometimes with cream. I also like a glass of wine once in a while. I also love Iced Coffe - Thai style!
50. Food - Steak, baked potatoes
51. Movie - City of Angels - love the angels standing on the beach at daybreak.
52. Band - you know, I am a little pathetic - like songs, don't pay attention to the bands - just never have. But, I love Michael W. Smith's music, and Gaither's series - (quit groaning!!)
53. Memory - holding my grandson, and checking him out and kissing his little face. Of course - there are also my children's births!! Their first day of school - their grads - my wedding, .... lots of memories -
54. TV Show - the Batchelor, So you think you can dance, Canadian/American Idol
55. Hobbies - knitting, reading, visiting with friends, campfires with my family
56. Subject - I am enrolled to take the School of Spiritual Direction in Colorado. I am so excited!!
glad you stole it :)
i knew most of those things, but it was fun to read anyway!
love you
that looks like its from michael, but it's from me, just using my other email address!
xox ash
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