Sunday, October 11

School of Spiritual Direction - Dr. Larry Crabb

On Oct 9 I flew to Colorado Springs to sit under the tutorage of Dr. Larry Crabb - in New Way Ministries School of Spiritual Direction.

30 of us from all walks of life - all ages - men and women who love God. Glen Eyrie is beautiful .... I am in awe of creation around me. But it is freezing cold - and the walk to and from the Castle for meals - has been somewhat treacherous.

My head and heart are already swimming with what I have heard - wow....
My prayer - O Lord - make me more like you.

I am here - away from Alvin and my kids - and feeling the absense intensely.
I am on Day 2 - and will be done on Friday.

It is the prayer of my heart - that I will be teachable - and come away renewed, and focused on the Lord - MY Lord - O to be more like Him so that His reflection is all you see in me... that is my prayer.

Happy Thanksgiving - at least in Canada!!

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