Saturday, April 23

Easter Reflections

This past week has been a full one, and a good one.  My thoughts were drawn to "Passion Week" beginning with the sermon Pastor Dave gave at Eastview Community Church last Sunday.  It was based on Mark 10 from the section in verse 35 - 45 when Jesus talked with his disciples and He asked them "what do you want me to do for you?"  and then the story about Blind Bart receiving his sight and Jesus asking him "What do you want me to do for you?"  To which, if you read in chapter 10 verses 46-52 Bartimaeus replies "Rabbi, I want to see."  Jesus says to him "Go, your faith has healed you!"  (New International Version Bible)

This sermon moved me.  I took notes as I normally do.  What do I want Jesus to do for me?  And is my faith so strong as blind Bart's?  (or as strong as the woman who touched the hem of Jesus robe and was healed?)  This was the beginning of my week.  And the beginning of "Passion Week" which represents the week between Palm Sunday leading up to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday!

Our church invited people to come and go through the reflective prayer stations they set up.  On Monday I went.  It was very quiet.  I was alone and could spend as much time as I wanted.  Part of the first station included time looking at prints on the wall of the foyer.  They are absolutely beautiful - artist is J. Michael Belkin and the series is called Journey with the Messiah.  You can google and see them.  They are stunning.  Monday was good - and I was glad to be able to take the time to go/sit/reflect/journal/pray.

Our care group from Eastview went on Thursday night and went through the reflection/prayer stations.  I found out that each night had a different emphasis on the reflective components and the way the stations were set up.  That way if you went one night - it would be different the next.  Once again, I was blessed by it.

Yesterday Alvin and I went to the Good Friday service at Eastview.  It was a combination of worship team/choir/drama and we were both greatly moved by various parts.  I think the one line that struck me however was towards the end when he said "Jesus went to Hell for you so he wouldn't have to be in Heaven without you!"  WOW.... powerful words.  Powerful truth.  Good Friday - the day that (almost 2000 years ago Jesus died on the cross for OUR (yours and mine - past, present and future) SINS.  He conquered death - grabbing the keys out of Satan's hands!  And tomorrow as we celebrate EASTER we celebrate the fact that HE HAS RISEN!!!  Thank you JESUS!

I will go to church tomorrow - although I will go myself since Alvin has to work.  Once again, I will be reminded of the most amazing thing ever done for me - what love Jesus had for US!!

Tomorrow a lot of the world will celebrate HIS RESURRECTION.  It is my hope and prayer for you - that you will know JESUS and experience his amazing grace!!

As it says in John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS ONE AND ONLY SON that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life!!"

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