Tuesday, October 25

hello tuesday

Hello Tuesday
so far you are a good friend to me
with your beautiful morning sunrise
the sky filled with reds that are too beautiful to describe
white frost on the car
but no snow on the ground
I am loving you so far Tuesday!

Good Morning Lord
thank you for this new day
a new chance at life
I love YOU Lord ~ please use me today
for your honor and glory!
may my words, my actions, my thoughts
be pure
be wholesome
be truthful
be loving
may I be a reflection of You dear Jesus!

Hello Tuesday
I look ahead to this day
past this great cup of coffe
to my exercise time
my work day
and I do not know what all it holds
but I do know WHO holds it.
Thank you Lord.

Hello Tuesday
hello stillness of early morning
hello smell of fresh coffee
hello Jake who is here doing some electrical work
hello inspector who will come later and do the final electrical inspection

Hello Tuesday
good-bye to Monday, you made my daughter stress about her exam at university
it is a new day
and I want to live it to the full

Hello Tuesday
May you be full of wonderful surprise
Lord, may I see YOU throughout my day
Lord, please bless my sweet family
bless my friends
bless my co-workers

Hello Tuesday
Thank you Lord for reminding me of your Scripture which falls sweetly upon my soul
for your reminder to me!
I love you Lord.
Thank you for this TUESDAY!!

Hebrews 13:5

The Message (MSG)

 5-6Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," we can boldly quote,

   God is there, ready to help;
   I'm fearless no matter what.
   Who or what can get to me?


ashleymarie said...

i am so thankful it is tuesday and that monday has passed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy!

Through the magic of google, I have found you :)

We are the owners of your former home and have found something in the basement that may belong to you. It is a bracelet with a baby picture inside a gold heart. If this sounds familiar, please get in touch with us through T&C on the corner (C knows about it) and we will get it back to you.

Hope this finds you well!

Anonymous said...

Oops, not gold, silver bracelet and heart!