My favorite things.... when I was in grade 9 or thereabouts, I took voice lessons, and I remember singing the song, I think it was called "My Favorite Things" -- I think it is from the Sound of Music. The chorus went: "When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling bad... I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!"
Today, I spent time with my kids, well 3/4 of them. Josh was at work.
As I hugged them all good bye, and drove home, I was thinking of how incredibly blessed I am as a mom. I was thinking of them, and realizing that in the midst of such deep sorrow that seems to fill up my days, there is the deep feeling of feeling loved and appreciated by my family. Last Friday we spent time together, and it was such an amazing feeling.
So, before I go to bed, I want to make a list of a few of my favorite things...
Hugs from my kids
Texts on my cell phone saying "I love you" from my husband and my kids
The smell of crayons
The warmth of our cats when they sit on my lap
The way our dog Oreo smiles at us when we come home. (yes, he actually smiles!)
A large cup of Mountain Bean coffee with cream (cream is an occassional treat!)
The smell of fresh bread
Laying in bed with my arm around my husband
Listening to my husband crack corny jokes
Spending time with our kids
The warm sun of a Caribbean country
The feeling of sand between my toes
The sound of the pages of my Bible being turned
More favorite things
Emails from friends
Phonecalls from family
A real letter that comes via snailmail!
Barbecued Steak!
A hug from the little neighbor kids
Unexpected visitors at my church office
Being asked to help my kids figure something out
A good movie -
Coffee with friends
A nice quiet afternoon at home
A crackling fire in the fireplace
The smell of clean laundry
The sight of a clean house!
Still more favorite things...
my journal
a good book
my feather pillow
A warm kiss from Alvin
A good laugh
seeing the smiles on my kids faces
There are things in life that bring a smile even in the midst of this deep dark valley of grief. I am thankful that we can laugh sometimes. I am thankful that we can also cry together. I am thankful that the favorite things in my life aren't not things, but people first... after God.
"when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad.... I simply remember my favorite things... "
Jesus, you are the one who will bring my broken heart back together. Please continue to give me affirmation of your presence, your love, and your promise to us. I love you Jesus. Please continue to carry me through this dark, deep time. amen.
i'm so thankful that i'm one of your favorite things, because you are DEFINITELY one of my top ones!
Thank you for spending the night here and taking care of me. i love you mom!
I like you and I like reading your blog! I just might get started cause it's just seems so healthy to put stuff on paper and not just in my journal. You and Ashley are both an inspiration to me.
Keep writing and love you girl!
Been catching up on your blog Joy. I so enjoying reading it, your honesty and heart for Jesus are so evident. JoAnne
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