Monday, November 3

Great is Thy Faithfulness.... is it more than a song I can sing by heart?

Today I sang Great is Thy Faithfulness as I sat in our church, at the funeral of an elderly brother in Christ. The last time I sang it was when we buried our little Jay at Sunnyside cemetary. I sang it alot that week. The words are profound... and I know them by heart. Is it more to me than just a song? Yes Lord, I admit that you are sovereign! You are God no matter what happens. Help me to believe that. To choose to believe it no matter what. O God, give me, give us strength to walk through, to come out on the other side unscathed and clinging to you.

Great is thy faithfulness
O God my Father
there is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not.
As thou has been, thou forever wilt be...

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is thy faithfulness
morning by morning new mercies I see
all I have needed, thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me

O Lord... Great is your faithfulness. Help me to sing that in all times. Help me to see your mercies new with each morning. And joy comes in the morning too... O Lord, I pray for that.. for joy.
Lord, Great is your faithfulness. O Lord, GREAT is your faithfulness

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