Years ago, when I walked through a dark and long depression (mid 90's) I used to walk the gravel road and used it to talk to God. During those walks, especially in the summer and fall, I would often see these cute little fuzzy caterillars... and often would stop and watch them inch across the road. I always marvelled at how they looked, and how God was such a creative Creator!! These little caterpillars became a sign to me of an ever caring God!! I remember one day when I was just asking him if he would give me affirmation of his presence. I just needed to know He was there...
I remember walking... and as normal, walked to the asphalt of the highway, and make a u-turn and proceed back down Springfield. I made the u-turn, and began to walk back...all of a sudden coming across the most beautiful sight. One I had not seen for a very long time... a little fuzzy caterpillar right smack in the road where I was walking. How did I miss him merely 50 steps before? I really wondered about that. I remember weeping... as God used exactly the same thing - little caterpillar that he had used before, to say, "Hey Joy, I am here... I am with you". I wept and walked, and felt lifted. I called this a "kiss" from God, and since then I have often asked him for a KISS.
Well, this past few days, we have experienced many kisses from God again, in the form of a Bluejay. Since our little grandson Jay's birth and death, we have taken on the little bluejay, to be a little sign to us... At the funeral, we used a little blue jay picture on the programs. At the wedding, we used the same little bluejay in the little announcement about remembering our little Jay. It seems that the symbol is one that we have attached to our Grandson's memory. I guess it all stemmed from Josh and Leah referring to him as their little "bluejay" ...
Living out in the country, we know that we have seen Bluejays around from time to time, and we seemed to be on the look out. The Bluejays are such an incredibly beautiful bird. Our hearts are still so heavy that a glimpse of a bluejay would be like a kiss from God. We all sense that I think. One time Leah mentioned that while she was walking, a bluejay crossed her path, and she sensed it was from God.
Well, yesterday, while in the kitchen Alvin and I saw a bluejay, and then another...
They flew from the blue spruce trees to the Oak, sometimes coming closer to the window. We told the kids about it when they were out during the day. Today has been even more spectacular as bluejays have been constantly in our yard, in fact even now as I write this, there are two bluejays that are in our front yard, flying back and forth, landing on the dead grass. I got the camera, but even with the zoom, can not get the beauty that I see with my eyes. And I feel kissed over and over again by my Heavenly Father. Only He knows that the sight of these beautiful birds is like an ointment to my soul...
Only God knows that we will never ever forget our little Jay, but the sign of the bluejay constantly crossing our path, we take as a sign that HE never forgets about us and our grandson either. (that is one consolation, to know that Jay is with Jesus!) So, today, as I watch these beautiful blue birds, HE is reminding me again, "I am here with you Joy... I know your pain... I will continue to carry you through this sorrow..."
I have decided that we are going to get a bird feeder. I realize that the Bluejay is a cocky bird - and it says that they will even stand up to a Great Horned Owl, or even cats (Look out Vanilla and Louis!!). I just love how blue they are...
So, I will look for a feeder, and buy the seed, and hopefully God will continue to send these "kisses" throughout the winter, as a reminder of His presence, and as a reminder over and over again of our little Grandson!....
And along with the "kisses" from God... the birds will be a reminder of His promises taht we are clinging to...
1 comment:
What a lovely reminder. There are so many times we miss those little "things" that God puts in our path..
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