(hmm wonder what Everett feels with that big mustache!)
We imagine what it will feel like
So many things we are imagining!
But for now – we will keep thanking God for you Little One
And we will keep kissing your soft little cheeks
We will keep talking to you,
Little One
You are growing so fast
Where does time go?
I watch you
And notice with each next time
How much you have changed.
It is unbelievable.
Little One
You are so loved
Your little eyes are always sparkling
You have your Auntie Ashley’s blue blue eyes
We laugh at that - at how you look so much like her in some pictures!
Funny how that works.
You are growing up
Beginning to show your emotions more
Your giggles come very easy
Especially when your daddy is kissing your little face
You are growing so fast
Where does time go?
I watch you
And notice with each next time
How much you have changed.
It is unbelievable.
Little One
You are so loved
Your little eyes are always sparkling
You have your Auntie Ashley’s blue blue eyes
We laugh at that - at how you look so much like her in some pictures!
Funny how that works.
You are growing up
Beginning to show your emotions more
Your giggles come very easy
Especially when your daddy is kissing your little face
in a multitude of kisses
Your smile comes readily
when you are in your mommy’s arms
You hear a voice and turn
Your look acknowledges the person
I hope you never “make strange”
You love the camera too.
I don't think any baby has ever been so photographed!!
Your smile comes readily
when you are in your mommy’s arms
You hear a voice and turn
Your look acknowledges the person
I hope you never “make strange”
You love the camera too.
I don't think any baby has ever been so photographed!!
You are growing uP
All the things that you learn in your first year of life
how you come from the womb
All the things that you learn in your first year of life
how you come from the womb
and learn so much within your first year of life
How fearfully and wonderfully your Creator has made you Little One.
And while we don’t want to rush you
We do imagine what you will sound like
How fearfully and wonderfully your Creator has made you Little One.
And while we don’t want to rush you
We do imagine what you will sound like
when we hear your sweet little voice saying
“C’mon Poppa, C’mon Granny – read to me…
or “What are you doing Poppa?”
“C’mon Poppa, C’mon Granny – read to me…
or “What are you doing Poppa?”
We imagine what it will feel like
with your little hand in ours
as you toddle alongside
We imagine what it will feel like
as you toddle alongside
We imagine what it will feel like
to push you on a swing in our yard
or be the recipient of a hand-picked bouquet of dandelions
or to tuck you into bed for a sleepover
or to tuck you into bed for a sleepover
So many things we are imagining!
But for now – we will keep thanking God for you Little One
And we will keep kissing your soft little cheeks
We will keep talking to you,
and listening to your sounds of acknowledgement
and your giggles of joy
Little One
We love you so much!
So very very much!
Little One
We love you so much!
So very very much!
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