Wednesday, June 12

post-birthday thoughts - the first ten years of life

One week ago, I celebrated my birthday!  I was treated to breakfast along with my daughters and niece (who "went to the washroom" and picked up the tab!!  Very sneaky Janice Mills!! lol)  I spent the day just puttering around doing really not a whole lot.  I dropped off a birthday cake to one of our pastors who shares a day, although he is younger by a little :)  I got treated to supper with my Sweet Man, and we went to one of our favorite little restaurants close by.  And to top it off, we had a great time around a campfire - just us adults since the kids were in bed, at J and L's.  It was complete with a song, cake and sparkler!! I love campfires!  (especially with my kids).  It was good to talk - just us six adults - as often with the hustle and bustle of our grandkids, we don't do alot of adult talking!! lol

So one week later, I have been reflecting a lot on my life!!  It has been an amazing life - but not one without many MANY times wherein I experienced God's faithfulness!! SO I decided to recall some of those things - going year by year - and choosing something that stands out!!

1958:  my birth - I came early - my dad was away on business when he got the call - "YOU HAVE A GIRL" I was born with PIXIE SHAPED EARS and A VEIL OVER MY FACE or what is also known as a CULL.  The doctor told my mom, that both of those things were "omens of good luck".  Apparently (if I have the story right) my mom was going to call me Dawn, but my sisters named me Joy.  I think I like Joy better!!

1959: what does a one year old remember?  LOL

1960: from the time I was born, I spent every summer at Faith Bible Camp, which Dad started after he became a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have a picture of me in a cute little dress, and in the arms of my mom.  I loved being at camp!!  To this day, I remember friends made there!

My dad was the one who would always rub my back, draw/tickle my back when I was going to sleep.  When he went away on business trips - my mom would - but she would not last the same length of time.  I think of this often when I am putting my grandson to sleep and he asks me to draw on his back!!

My dad travelled a lot.  He would send me little things from different places.  He would also send postcards, and sometimes a letter for me, written on motel stationary, and with stick figures so I could "read" it.  It was a lonely life for my dad.  He did talk about that part of life - being on the road. Every Sunday, my mom would get us kids ready for Dad's Sunday phone call.  It was a great time hearing his voice.

1961: right about this time of my life, I fell off the dock at the lake.  My dad said when I bobbed up to the surface, I was sputtering and he grabbed me by my overall straps.  I distinctly remember him taking me to my auntie Dot's and she helped to get me into some dry clothes.

I used to love sitting on my dad's knee - and feeling his strong arms around me, while he sung "choo - chums" song to me.  Not really a song, just a little ditty he would make up using the word choochums.
My kids enjoyed this too when I had children!

1962: 4 years old.  I had long hair which my mom would curls on Saturday nights.  I would have to sit on a pink painted tin high stool.  It was the most gruelling hour of my week!!  I also remember that it was my dad who would very carefully put all my hair together in a pony tail on the crown of my head.  To this day, having done my own daughters very long hair - I am still amazed at a man with big hands, could so gently put my hair up in a pony tail, and have it look immaculate!!  This always amazed me.  AND I didn't complain the way I sometimes did with my mom!!

1963: 5 Years OLD - this is the year  I started Kindergarten at Lansdowne School.  I walked to school.  Imagine a 5 year old crossing McPhillips!!  My teacher's name was Mrs. Marr.  Oh man, some of the things that I remember - were not so good.  One time she reamed me out, which to this day brings an awful feeling.  My mom had given me some liquorice allsorts to share with my friends at recess.  We were in the recess line, and I took them out of my pocket, to get ready to share them.  I can not remember what she told me (perhaps I was talking, I really can't remember) but she yelled at me across the room and centered me out.  I also remember her grabbing my friend by the ears and shaking him, because he had not put his plasticene away.  On a happier note - I was an angel in the Christmas pageant.  That was still when schools could celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!!  I also remember COCOA, a monkey puppet, who would come out of his house for music time!

Apparently this is also the year that we got a t.v. so that I could watch the Santa Claus Parade from the confines of our living room.  My sister told me that since I was sick, and could not go out to the parade downtown, that dad bought a t.v.  (black and white I may add).  She insinuated that I was spoiled!!

1964: 6 years old.  Grade 1 - I had Miss Campbell - and she was such a loving teacher!!  My best friend was Joanne Styles.  I also had friends named Billy (who I had a grade 1 crush on) and also Annamarie, and Kevin.  It was a good time of life - grade 1.  I remember that every spring for Easter - we would get new outfits - head to toe!!  I loved my off white sailor coat with blue sailor piping!!

It was also this year, that God blessed us with the arrival of my "chosen" brother Tim.  I remember that he was so sweet and pudgy and had bells on his little white baby boots.  He was a year old.  I loved him then, but oh man, this 55 year old loves her brother even more now!

1965:  7 years old. Grade 2. Miss Urano was my teacher - and I loved her too.  I remember that during these years we had a milkman delivering milk, and BEEP a new juice drink (full of sugar).  We also had Jeannies Bakery delivering all our birthday cakes!!  In those days, they were all square - so some people did not get chocolate flakes on their piece.  I also remember that my mom made my birthday cake once, with money in it!!  Yes - every piece got some waxpaper wrapped coins!!  (I did this for my kids once or twice - but the coins were always bigger it seemed than what I remembered!!)

I got to be a camper this year - even though I was just 7.  I will always remember the fishflies that would crunch as we walked to where outhouses were.  The smell of Pinesol to this day, takes me back to camping season!!

1966:  8 years old.  Grade 3.  My teacher was Miss Landi. This is the year, January 26th, that I gave my heart to Jesus.  I came home after Awana girls club at our church, and I knew that I wanted to ask Jesus to be my Saviour.  I had attended Arlington Street Gospel Chapel from birth - and lived in a godly home where Jesus was modeled and taught and I knew I neeeded to make Jesus my Lord.  So, my mom shared some scripture with me - I remember John 3:16 being one of them, and she led me to the Lord!!  I knew exactly what I was doing!  The faith of a child!

This was the year I got bit by a dog!!  He loved the pompoms on my mukluks!! This scared me a lot, and he did break the skin a little.

1967: I turned 9 this summer!! It was also this year that I had a birthday party that had 10 people, and only one boy showed up.  The girls were boy crazy and all wanted to sit by Billy.  (Kevin was sick and could not come).  I remember that even then (like now) I hated opening gifts in front of people!  Just something weird about that! I finished grade 3 and said good-bye to my friends. We were moving!  This summer we moved from 1190 Inkster Blvd, in the North End - to live at our non-winterized cottage on Lake Winnipeg.  We lived there till November when we moved into a little one room house (with 2 adult children and 2 young children and 2 Adult parents if you can imagine) and we lived here till our house was finished being built in Beausejour.

The move was all because my dad was the president of Polaris Industries - building snomobiles in Beausejour.  It was an exciting time, as dad took us to the races, and we also often followed the Polaris team as they raced from Winnipeg to St. Paul.  We got to know the team which included one woman.

I started my first year in Beausejour Elementary - Grade 4 - and my teacher was Mrs. Puchacz.  (I always thought this was such a funny sounding name).  It was here that I met my forever friend - Josie Dyck.   (now Schellenberg).  I was excelling at school and the principal and teachers talked about me skipping to grade 5 but I did not want to leave my friends.

This was a Centennial Year - and we were involved in many celebrations!

1968: I turned 10 this year!  Summer time was alwasy a highlight!! However, this was the last year spent on the island. I remember a huge storm we had - seeing the waves beating away on the bank of the island.  My dad had a huge responsibility, along with other of the men who would help drive the barge.  Many kids lives depended on safe travels across Lake Winnipeg.  The lake was wonderful but could whip up into a violent storm before you knew it. Most of the time I loved the boat rides.  My dad was the "captain" of the Pelican, which transported children/adults/luggage to Elk Island from the mainland.  I had great trust in my dad! I rode on the top roof of the Pelican - doing something only the big kids could do, but Dad let me since he was in charge!! He would help heist me up and open the windeow onto the flat portion of roof, and push me through.  I also had many rides in the motor boat.  I guess my dad and I were often together since Mom was cooking most times in the kitchen at camp.  To this day, if I go over to the Island, I love to stand in the overgrown area, look at the old concrete slab that used to be the shuffleboard, and remember!!

This fall - I went into Grade 5 and my teacher was sweet (but she seemed old then) Mrs. Dugard.  A more gentler teacher I never had!  She had control of the room though.

This is the year God blessed our family with my other brother Brian.  WHile he is only two years younger than me, he only joined our family through adoption at the age of 8 and a half.  He came full of fear, haveing been abandoned by his bio family and through foster hoomes.  We were excited to call him our brother, but it was a time of trying to figure out how to build relationship with him.

In Sept. of this year - my older sister Mary-Ann, married Nelson.  I was a junior bridesmaid!!  I wore hot pink satin and velvet - and got my hair done for the first time at a hair salon!! Oh the things you remember.

Thus ends the first ten years of my life - at least in some special recollections!!  The 60's were good years!!

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