Downstairs it is pretty quiet. Our dog is snoozing at the back door. The t.v. is on although I don't really know what is happening - hard to write my blog and watch t.v. at the same time. Upstairs my sweetheart is fast asleep and has been for the last hour and a half. Today he had surgery. Now if you know my husband you know that "its hard to keep a good man down!" We tease him that he just goes and goes and when he stops, he falls asleep! This kind of runs in his family as his mom is the same way! Today we were up early. I exercised (my 14th morning in a row I might add!) And we went to the hospital - as it was his surgery. He had two hernias that needed to be repaired. The doctor says they are a fact of the job! All Alvin knew was that the one especially was a big inconvenience! Didn't seem to affect his life, but I knew it bothered him alot. So, today the specialist repaired him! When I came to see him, he told me that apparently he had been a bit of a "wild man" in recovery - and pulled his IV out and it took 3 nurses to hold him down! (who'd of thought!)
Anyhow, we got him home after stopping to get his prescription filled and pick up a sandwich from Tim Horton's! (He was hungry!) As the evening work on, the pain settled in, and we felt that bed would be the best place for him. This will be like a time out for him! Alvin does not normally just "step out" of life and slow down.
Stepping out and slowing down! Seems that is something that has evaded me lately. Just the fact that I have not blogged in over a week ~ that is an indication in itself.
So, I will share some of my last week with you:
~ I spent hours at the hospital visiting Mom K. Her biopsy shows that the myeloma cancer is in her kidneys. They continue to work at less than 10%. But she came home Thursday night - weak, but so happy to be home!
~ Alvin and I had a wonderful counselling visit with Mary. She is such a gift from God to us. We love her so much and thank God for her. She has helped us walk through hard stuff - and continues to give wise counsel and pray for us
~ I went to a counselling session with Mary. She sees me individually too. I realized that she has become a treasured friend.
~ while I continue to struggle with letting go of white flour and white sugar - I realize it is nothing compared to the way Mom K. has to eat now: low potassium, low sodium and low protein. We are learning together.
~ Alvin and I had coffee with our good friends Kim and Kevin. Although I was the only one that drank coffee!! It was so good to spend time with them. We can always laugh with them!
~ Alvin and I were invited out for a most delicious supper! And, we got to hug some sweet kids! I realize that we love having young couples as friends!
~ My friend of 40 years invited me over for supper and then we went to St. Benedict's Table (a church service held in All Saints Anglican - 7 pm on Sundays). It was a wonderful worship experience. The smell of incense, the taking part in communion, a strong sense of community. My preconceived ideas of "the way worship has to be" were stirred up - and there was such an obvious sense of God in our midst!
- I "lunched" with my cousin Gail - just like old times until we were told the restaurant was closed! So we just moved the coffee party to A&W at Lockport!
~ we signed the papers at the bank for our land purchase!! SO EXCITING!
~ Monday I went with Mom K. for a bone marrow test. I realize what a brave woman my mother-in-law is! She is also a prayer warrior. I am enjoying the time we get to spend together as we sit, drive, wait... Cancer Care in St. Boniface has become part of her life, and therefore mine. The last time I was there was with Dad, almost three years ago!
~ last night I had a meeting with my executive from church regarding my return to work. My date is fast approaching! Right now my FMS pain is "under control" so it is easier to think of work again.
~ other highlights are all the texts, the phonecalls, the time spent with my kids! I love them so much, and thank God that Josh, Leah, Ash and Michael love being with us too! O Lord, thank you for our children!
Life is complicated. Life is hard. But we know that God is the author of our lives and has a plan and a purpose. He is teaching me about His sovereignty. It is hard, but I am learning. As my daughter-in-law Leah said last year - we can either do this(life and its deep and hard times) WITH God or WITHOUT God. I say that Life WITH God is hard - I would hate to see what it would be WITHOUT Him.
As for me and my house - we will serve the Lord! O Jesus, be our strength. As my husband sleeps, may you do a work in his body, repairing and healing. Thank you for his surgeon and the skill you gave to him as he operated. May this "time out" be a good time for my husband, and may you give Him peace O Lord. And Father - you know the continued cries of our hearts! You have told me to trust you with those requests, so Lord, I do. Thank you in advance for all that you are going to do in our lives. O Lord, your will be done today and tomorrow. I love you Jesus!
PS - guess I should go and check my man!
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