bliZZard day!
Today is the first Blizzard day of 2010~ after having some beautiful snow-melting weather last week - Mother Nature hits us with a vengence! (guess what our boys and Blue Jay Family Works are doing AGAIN today?) This is the view out of my kitchen window this morning.

It's Monday. It's also a "blizzard day" which means that highways are closed. School Divisions in rural areas are closed. I had a restless night as I listened to the whistling of the wind. It is quite the day!

The alarm went off early and I laid in bed listening to the radio announcers saying that if you don't need to go out - DON'T GO OUT! At this point, I had decided that I was not moving anywhere (except getting the gumption to go out in the cold and load the boiler!) At point of writing this, I have already stoked the boiler FULL of wood, twice already, with a pile waiting for later.
Anticipating the trip to the boiler - I pull out the swet pants, high boots, fur hat and gloves. Opening the door into the garage, the first thing I notice is that there is a snow drift accumulating INSIDE the garage! (never a good sign!) hmmm.... I wonder how big the drift is on the other side!!

So then it is time to open the door - and get to the boiler!
Here is what I found there!

So check and see if you can see Oreo... in the picture below. He is the one peeking out of the garage door! He was very glad to get back into the garage on our way back!
As I exercised this morning, I could see the birdfeeder and lo and behold, there was the big fat squirrel hanging out on the branch again - with the birdfeed (now HALF full) of sunflower seeds as his disposal - I figure he thought he had hit the jackpot!) I tapped on the window in an attempt to startle him away. No deal. He had his eyes on the prize, believe me! As I exercised, he sat on the branch and went to town on the birdfeeder! FORTY MINUTES LATER... he finally had his fill. Honestly? where did he put the seeds? (mental note: move the feeder out on a limb where he can't go). He also had to get pretty creative in how he got the seeds out. Gotta hand it to him - he did not give up ~ regardless of the wind howling around him! (hm, there is that teachable moment again!)
I had so many things "lined up" for today. And one by one, I had to phone and cancel the appointments. Obviously, my check in at the Center for Natural Medicine, with Leyla - did not happen today. Today I actually wanted to weigh in - as the past week has been a good one, and the weigh-ins help to keep me accountable. But the weigh-in today did not happen. Neither did my chiro app, or my physio app. As well - I will not be getting into the Bible Study. At this point, I would not be able to get off my driveway, if my life depended on it. While I "have" to do the physical work of loading the boiler, I do not plan on shoveling. (Think I need to call up Blue Jay and tell them there is a snow removal out here in Anola!!) There is only so much that I can physically handle and do, and well - shovelling is not one of them.
With each hour - the drifts are getting bigger. It actually is comforting being inside, and knowing that there is no reason to be anywhere but here.
This morning, I was able to spend alot of time in the Word. My "Quiet Time" ~ ah, it was wonderful! I loved that. I am behind in my commitment to the reading plan for my One Year Bible. So, I did alot of reading, writing down throughts as I reflected on the passages. God and I spent some wonderfully sweet time together this morning - on this blustery day!!
Later, I also finally got to reconnect by phone, with my friend Elizabeth - who is my accountability partner. We talked for about an hour - and it was great. Elizabeth truly "gets" this journey - as we have alot in common (the journey through weightloss to better health, ministry, family, etc). Our conversation today was a gift to me!
Now - I am here by the computer - with a nice big cup of Licorice Spice tea. It is almost 5 pm. I am thinking that the soup I made on the weekend will taste very good for supper. I am hoping to hear from my man soon. He is working a night shift again, and so, it will be another quiet evening. The Beth Moore Study is going on tonight, but me - well, I will not be there either. (you know, because of the snOw!)
I need to work on a devotional/talk for a women's get together this week at First Nations church. I am looking forward to meeting with the women, sharing some thoughts on some scripture, and also sharing the journey of the retreat vision. I love sharing the retreat story with people - especially with women's groups. My cousin Doris is responsible for this inviation! I am open to share with them, whatever God desires me to share.
Yesterday as I was doing my bible study homework for tonight... Beth Moore was sharing some of her thoughts, which spoke so clearly to my heart! One thing she said is " ... that through which God hones us, is rarely within th parameters of the familiar!" And then there was the verse from Colossians 4:17 which said "Be sure to carry out the mnistry the Lord gave you!" Of course, the ministry for women is deeply embedded in my heart. But - it is not familiar - it is uncharted territory. In fact, my life over the past 18 months has been very unfamiliar and uncharted waters... but God has "honed" me through it all. I just really pray that He will find me faithful through all of this - and that I will be faithful in carrying out the ministry He has placed on my heart! So - with those thoughts as well - I need to bring together a devotional to share.
So, being housebound - it's not so bad! I am thankful for this quiet time to think. Sometimes bliZZard days are good to have! Perhaps this is one of them! No, this IS one of them!
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