Sunday, January 24

Sunday - week 2, day 6

It is almost midnite. The snow is swirling outside - the winds are howling. As I went out and put wood in the boiler - I was glad that Alvin and I had piled some wood closer to the boiler so that I didn't have to drag it too far. That's the "joy" of having a husband who works some nights - it means that I need to feed the boiler! Today my fibromyalgia has been very obvious ... I think it is a combo of things. The weather always seems to play into the pain. Also, loading the boiler - but there is no getting around that.

It is dark. The dog is fast asleep at the back door. The news is on, telling me that the "winter storm warning" has ended. I have some doubts as to whether or not I will venture into the city tomorrow - guess I will wait and see. No use going out on winter icy roads if I absolutely don't have to.

I have an app at the clinic for my "weigh in" and really hope I can get to it. I also have a chiro app, and also a physio app and then the Beth Moore bible study. Yep - a full day for sure. Seems as I am getting older - the body is protesting. I am determined not to let the FM keep me down - but honestly, some days it takes a while to get moving. I feel like the "tin man" from the wizard of oz! The best thing about the mornings is the hot bath first thing, which seems to help me begin to move. And, (can't believe I am admitting this) but EXERCISE is KEY to helping me get around. I am also hoping and praying that with each pound lost, my FMS will get better. I have a feeling it will! (sigh) Today I set a "goal" that I hope I can reach by my birthday - June 5th. It is 35 lbs. (9 down, 26 to go till then!! Can I do it??? yEs!)

That being said I know that I am so blessed - and really, compared to others - I know that things could be much worse. Tonight, I watched again as pictures from Haiti were shown. In one report, a newsreporter was invited into a church service. He seemed a little out of place, but he came to the front and shared with the Haitian Pastor, that the rest of the world was concerned and helping to aid. At the end, it showed the congregation (who were meeting outside) praising God and dancing - arms raised. One older woman danced with him! She told him "we are one in God". The story took me back in my thoughts to 2006 when we went with a team, to work in the Dominican Republic. While there, we visited with the people in a Leper Colony. I will never forget having to choke back my emotions as we faced the congregation and sang a couple songs, and watched people with stubs for hands - worshipping God. We also had the joy of being in a church service on night - it was so hot, even in the dark night. We were in a building that was packed. Each of us had a minimum of two children sitting on our laps! One thing I loved was to see the dance ooze out of each little child! Music would barely start and they would be moving with the rythm! How I wished I had such freedom! (me the one who is finally learning to dance!)

I have been using an exercise DVD which incorporates "dance moves" into it. I love it! But I have to laugh at my own reflection in the window! This white gal just doesn't move easily! "Inside" I feel like I dance but my outer movements are very stiff!! I really REALLY hope that no one is ever watching me through my big picture window because it's not pretty!! (smile)

Apart from really WANTING to DANCE - these moves help limber this stiff body up. These beginner dance moves - help me work through the pain of my fibromyalgia. And really, even with the flare ups I've had almost steady over the last year - I really think it could be worse. (I hope it never gets worse, but I realize it could be). I am aware of others with it who are less mobile than myself. I am really hoping and praying that soon, the flareups will subside. And in the meantime, I realize that no matter what, I need to count my blessings! It is why I realize that I can never stop looking to God for HIS strength in my weakness. I don't get alot of things, but I do understand that my Lord has things under control REGARDLESS of what I think, or understand, or want...

Today - I want to count my blessings - my "Sunday" blessings. As there are 5 minutes left to this day.

So, thank you Lord for:
  • my family who I love, and who loves me. Last night we celebrated together, and it was simply wonderful!! (except when we are all together, we have to fight one another for "Everett John" time!)
  • a warm home (even if I did have to load the wood boiler!)
  • a husband who provides for us (strong, handsome and loving too!) He also makes me laugh and just loves on me!! I just love my man!
  • friends who can share openly and honestly (Lynda and Chris - thanks for your visit today at Pineridge Hollow. We go back a long way!) There is alot of water under the bridge for all of us isn't there! God has given me gifts in the two of you!
  • Beth Moore - who writes amazing Bible Studies, and who constantly teaches women how to study the Word of God, bringing God's truth to life! The current study I am doing is "A Woman's Heart - God's home" (hope that is the title!) Lord, thank you for Karis who leads women's ministry, and has brought this study to reality.
  • good bold coffee! (I enjoyed a few good cups today, especially when I was visiting with friends) Coffee - fresh and strong and black. Um, nothing like it.
  • a chance to "catnap" with my man this afternoon. Nothing like a good snuggle on a winter day!
  • and thank you Lord - that today is day 6 and I am getting my priorities in place. Quiet Time with the Lord - Exercise (met the 4 hour min. per week) - good eating habits (oops, except for the few tastes of birthday cake :( - drinking my water - and penciling in "me" time - and beginning to encourage myself with positive "self-talk" . If I can drive into the city tomorrow, it will be great to weigh in - and chat with Leyla. I CAN DO IT!! WITH GOD I CAN in 2010!

Gotta run - it is late. I am so glad I don't turn into a pumpkin when it turns 12 midnite (still don't understand why the computer doesn't register the right time on the blog)... however, the pillow is calling me! Night! Sweet dreams!

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