So - now if you still want to read something I have written on my journey with weight - go for it!
Even grab a cup of coffee BUT leave the donut alone!
Today was a great day. I got up early - made lunches for Alvin to take for him and Michael while they worked - and then began doing my dvd "Sweatin to the Spirit" (which is basically an aerobics/dance dvd to "praise and worship" music!) Then I headed into EYE OPENER for a nice long breakfast with my friend Jennifer. It was a nice morning and we got to talk over a few cups of coffee and some breakfast. I have to admit - hers looked much more exciting than mine. (banana caramel french toast vs my scrambled eggs with tomatoes, some hash browns and a piece of dry rye). It was a great visit. I hope I listened to her as much as she listened to me. Sometimes I feel like I talk too much. :(
Then, off to the next stop, that being my doctor's office for my annual phYsical. No surprises really - just confirmation of the truth that I already know:
- gotta get rid of at least 50 lbs (would like to get rid of 68 actually and NO I WILL NOT BE A RAIL!!)
- the constant ringing in my ear could be a result of getting older, and often ringing preceeds loss of hearing (I went to the audiologist and got a little more subtle encouraging info)
- I don't need an annual pap test since I no longer have any of the parts in question. (I actually wish I would have done that sooner ~ the hysterectomy I mean) HOWEVER - if you are reading this, and have your "parts" please do the right thing and get an annual pap test!
- keep exercising as it will make my fibromyalgia more manageable (very true)
- my blood pressure is good (good news)
- have a build up of wax in my ears! (after telling my daughter that I never have wax issues - ever) This was new to me!
- have high chlosteral (spelling?) which will change as I lose weight and eat better and exercise (didn't like hearing its high)
- have to do a fast and get my blood sugar tested, and other lab work (diabetes runs in the family)
- mammogram - I booked it first thing this morning with the "mobile" testing which is in Oakbank. Have gotten mammograms on a regular basis since my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in 95.
The physical was something I do yearly. There is just too much in my family history that puts me at risk. This is also why after so many years - why I need to finally get this weight off! (new motto - With God I can in 2010! (can pronouced as ken instead of can rhymes with ten!) :)
I have already sucked it up, and returned to the Center for Natural Medicine where Leyla is - who is with the First Line Therapy plan as the lifestyle coach ( this plan is basically cutting out the white stuff!) I weighed back in on the 12th! (darn, I was up some lbs after 6 weeks of not checking in!) and so after recommitting to the better way of eating (again) I am very proud that I am "back on the wagon" so to speak and doing well. It seems that my attitude is always much better when I am eating right and exercising. Ask Alvin, he can always tell when I am "off" the flour and sugar! A positive side effect is that when I cut our the white flour and sugar - my FM pain is less... that in itself should be the motivator.
I checked in on Monday, as she can no longer take patients on Wed. And after 5 days - I was down 3 lbs. (losing some of what I gained in those 6 weeks off!). But the best thing is that Leyla had me make some goals for this week: Tuesday till next Monday weigh in. (And she wrote them down to keep me accountable weekly!)
Here is what they are:- plan ahead (write the food choices down before I eat) - and keep track of what I am going to eat on my sheets, to make sure I get the right foods/servings in (2-4 servings of protein, 1 grain, 1 dairy, 1 nuts/seeds, 1 legumes, 4 fats, 2 fruits, 1 cat. 2 veg and unlimited cat. 1 veggies aka salads!!)
- plan a week menu and stick to it
- exercise a min of 4 hours a week (intentional exercise time)
- drink my water
- positive self-talk (this sounds simple but how often I can get into a downer on myself!)
- get a dayplanner and schedule my exercise in - so that regardless it is being done
I have been getting up early - and once Alvin goes out the door - I do my work out - and then my Quiet Time with the Lord. THAT... my QT is my lifeline! I could not do this without my Lord. He is certainly my sTrengTh. I do struggle as to why I keep giving this "stronghold" to him only to keep struggling daily. I think it is about "surrender"... about laying my stuff down daily, at the foot of the cross! DAILY! I have come to see how GOOD I feel when I exercise, and eat right.I have come to see how amazing I feel when I spend time with the Lord at the first part of my day! I gotta tell you, that hour or so with God is so sweet.
Knowing that this on again, off again pattern has been "mine" for a great number of years - sometimes it is easy to just throw my hands up in the air. BUT as Leyla reminded me as we talked about Everett - she said that for sure I want to be around to be there for my grandkids and kids! AND I DO!!So - she made me set those goals. Today is WEEK 2, DAY 2 and it has been good. I weigh in again next Monday at 11:30.
Now, with my Physical behind me - I have confidence that next year the numbers on the scale will be much different! "With God I can, in 2010"
Joy, it was SO good to talk with you yesterday, and no, you did NOT talk too much!! And anyway, you always have so many words of wisdom, so I love to listen to you! ;o)
Sorry to eat that sinfully delicious breakfast in front of you! I should not have been eating it either! Especially because I will definitely be craving that now that I've tried it. Anyway,I love that you are making choices to live a healthy lifestyle...and it's so sweet that Everett is your motiviation! I was just talking to Dr. Kevin about the Neurocleanse detox...that has weight loss benefits, especially when combined with a healthy diet and exercise (in case he has never talked to you about it). Anyway, keep at it...it sounds like you are doing everything right! I will have to follow your example (no more banana cream caramel french toast for me!)
Take care!!
I love your blog! And yes you can in 2010!! :) We'll do it together!
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