Sunday, August 15

past my bedtime

It is past my bedtime. The weekend has been full of family, and friends, and hospital time. I do not begrudge any time by the side of Mom's bed. In fact, I am thankful that at this time, I am not working, so that I can be there to keep her company, advocate for her, etc. However, even though sitting at the bedside is rather sedentary - I am pooped!

So this blog will be short. Today I am thankful for many things. I am going to name a few. Perhaps I can think of 15 since today is August 15. Here goes:

Thank you Lord for:
  1. my grandson Everett got his first tooth!
  2. Josh, Leah and Everett are at Faith Bible Camp. Josh is Assistant Director. Thank you for my kids and grandson.
  3. Ashley and Michael spent the day with us. Thank you for them and for the help they were today. Ash sat with me at the hospital today and Michael went with Alvin and my nephew to pick up the tractor from our neighbors.
  4. Gordon and Janice Mills (my nephew and niece) are in town visiting Grandma and staying with us here (they are in Josh and Leah's house). Thank you for Gordon and Janice and for the good talks and laughs we have shared these past few days.
  5. the sun that shone at the end of the day
  6. prayers on behalf of mom klassen
  7. this loft of our kids, which is our temporary home. we have been here for two weeks and it is feeling more and more like our place
  8. for my husband Alvin who loves me and makes me laugh
  9. for mom klassen's determination to live. she had a stronger day today. who would have thought that she would be here with us if you could have seen her on Wednesday
  10. for laughter which seems to come readily with our family and our friends!
  11. for the work the boys are doing at the new land. the "cupola" (sp??) is up on the shop/barn. Looking mighty good - even if i do say so myself.
  12. for the sale of my dad's house. (which has belonged to us kids for the past almost 13 years) This is an end to a final chapter
  13. for our friends and family who love us and have carried us in prayer
  14. good books. I just finally finished Brennan Manning's ABBA'S CHILD and I am now re-reading BLUE LIKE JAZZ by Donald Miller. You gotta read these two books.
  15. for the word of God which continues to speak into my life! and thank you Lord for my relationship with you - Redeemer, Friend, Rock, Comforter, Physician... the great I AM.

Gotta run - I am so very tired. Tomorrow is a new day. Night.

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