God has me on a journey - and as I travel it, this blog reflects the thoughts and musings (and the odd butterfly) from the heart of a senior woman, who is learning how to love with all my being, live fully and with no regrets, embrace life with my husband,kids and grandkids, and to let God lead in the dance of life that He has me learning!
Tuesday, February 28
A Taxi ride with Adam
I met him last night
He drives a taxi
And my workplace taxies us home when we come home after 9
So today was my day to ride.
He pulled up the loop in front of my workplace
And within 30 seconds I was in the car
Buckled into my seatbelt
There was something different about him -
in comparison to other taxi drivers that I have driven with before
Perhaps it was his big smile
Or his friendly greeting on a brisk cold night
For me ~
It was the end of a work day - almost a twelve hour work day at that
And it would have been so easy to just hunker down in the back seat of the taxi and not talk
But his smile, and his cordial hello encouraged talking
So, we talked.
How has your day been?
When is your shift over?
Discussion of how much harder taxi driving is on the weekend when the bars are in full swing
And people are loaded, and often act irrationally
How long has he been driving?
Where was he from?
Where did he meet his wife?
How long has he been in Canada?
He had an amazing grasp of English.
Do you have children?
What are their ages? Names?
They both had Arabic names.
In english they names mean: COUNSELOR and the other meant GOD is SOVEREIGN.
"Christian?" I asked.
"No Muslim"
"But not like Ben Laden" he said
More discussion about B.L. and his evil ways.
Right about then, I got to my daughter and son-in-law's house, where my car was parked.
Meter turned off
Taxi slip filled out and given
I opened the door.
"What is your name?"
"Adam" (another big smile)
"My name is Joy."
"Adam - thanks for the ride, it was nice meeting and talking with you."
End of taxi ride. End of conversation.
However NOT the end of my thoughts.
or the one whom I don't even find out their name.
The ones whom we think may do menial jobs
But this doesn't mean we should treat them any less
than how WE would love to be treated.
The ones whom we rush by
without a word of greeting
because well, WE are in a hurry
or because perhaps we don't think we have the time to even crack a smile
The ones whom we don't speak to
Because just their presence intimidates us
Let alone their prestige associated with their job
or their bank account
or their academic degrees
afterall - who are we to talk to such people!
The words of Jesus speak to me, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind and your soul and love your neighbour as yourself."
(let's not get caught up on the word NEIGHBOR) but instead let us life life in LOVE. Let us live life intentionally so that others can see the LOVE, MERCY and GRACE of Jesus Christ, in all we do!
And in all we say!
My mom was a great role model to me of this. Of living a gentle life. And yet a life that spoke louder than words!! A life that just oozed the love of Jesus out onto others. I really want to live like that. A life of reckless abandon to Jesus!! All of HIM.
I want to share a song that I heard a couple weeks ago, and has spoken deeply into my being!
It is by the SIDEWALK PROPHETS and it is called LIVE LIKE THAT. May it also resonate with you! This has become my new lifeSONG
O Lord, help me to live intentionally and on purpose
Help me to live so that I can speak a word of encouragement
Or share a smile
Or a hug
to someone who needs it.
O Lord, help me to be sensitive to your nudging
so that I don't miss out any opportunity
to put hands and feet to my faith
Help me to make a difference in another person's life - even if it is just for a moment.
Help me to extend love, and mercy and grace to others
Just the way you have given it to me.
Lord, may I live all out for you! Live with reckless abandon for you Jesus.
And when I am gone - may you be the fragrance that I leave behind.
Help me Lord, to live like that! Amen.
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