I just realized again that my daughter Ashley wrote about ten things on her blog last week - and I am going to write that today! Today is Sept 10th. I can hardly believe it! This morning when the Lord and I spent some time together - I asked the Lord to walk through the day with me and to give me strength, grace, joy and peace through whatever it was that I would encounter! Today was a wonderful day!
So here are just 10 things that I thank God for!
1) Coffee. Right now I am drinking fairtrade coffee (my nephew Gord would be proud of me!) While I admit I love strong bold fresh coffee with CREAM once in a while - I have not had cream for longer than I can remember now! This morning I got up to the smell of coffee brewing! My man makes a good pot of coffee!!
2) MASSAGE THEREAPY by Trudy! Trudy is my friend, a sister in Jesus, and an amazing massage therapist. There are times when I know that Trudy is praying as she works on me. Other times we chat, and well sometimes we share tears together! I love Trudy my friend. Today I loved the massage too!!
3) The 43 km ride into the city (one way distance) takes 1/2 hour. So often this is when the Lord and I just delight in each other's company. It is a great time to listen. To be still. To pray. Sometimes I have been known to sing to a CD at the top of my lungs. (yet I hate kereoke!)
4) Music! The international language. I alternate (in the car) between Lite Rock and Christian music station. Music - oh I am so thankful that it moves my soul!
5) The Line-Up restaurant in the Exchange District in Winnipeg. It was lunch time. The sun was shining. They had amazing food - and an outside patio. I felt like I was on vacation somewhere. Ummm, yummy. (and my meal was bought for me!) (actually second time in a row, as my daughter bought me lunch the other day too)
6) Good friends - oh I have such good friends. Lord, thank you. Today, I went to the Line-Up at the invitation of my friends Karis and Frank (whom I have the privilege of performing the marriage ceremony for next week. We needed to get together and chat - and chat we did. It was so good. We laughed, we talked, we joked, and prayed together. And, they were the ones who treated me to lunch.
7) The number of pounds I have lost as of yesterday! Okay - I am very happy about this - 7 lbs in a month - I am into week 5 of no white flour, no white sugar and no dairy. WHY you ask? Well, first of all - because I know it makes me feel better - less "mental fog" - more energy - way way way less pain with my fibromyalgia and just a better attitude!! So I have tried this before (actually in 1996 I did this from November to January and lost 34 lbs) but then I resorted back to old ways. I had a great visit with Dr. Schrader (naturapath) and then Leyla (fitness expert) and I was re-energized to stay true to this plan - because even though I need to lose alot of weight - it is attainable, but I need to keep focused on the goal. AND, as I reminded myself today - there is a verse in Psalms - about "with the Lord, I can scale a wall!" I figure trying to lose 50+ lbs is more than equivalent to "scaling a wall"... So, I came away from my app yesterday with a renewed commitment to go into week 5 strong. My goals this week: get back to journalling my food plan; exercising daily, and drinking all my water. SO FAR< SO GOOD!! (except for the fact that I am always looking for a washroom!!) Anyhow - 7 down, and 61 to go. (goal is 68 - 75) Stay tuned!! The food plan I am following is called FIRST LINE THERAPY and it is quite something really. Dr. S took me a little farther though with the no dairy - as he is trying to eliminate yeast in my blood. Dairy is in everything - and the hardest to cut out! (how many ways can you create things with eggs before you get tired of them at breakfast!)
8. My husband and kids! Okay, because we are purging our junk so that we can list our house and not scare people away - it means that we have alot of stuff to throw out, or to give away. (sometimes I really wonder WHO would buy my junk!) Anyhow, this morning at 6:30 - my husband was getting ready to meet the boys (BLUE JAY FAMILY WORKS) and before he went, loaded (and I mean LOADED) his truck FULL of boxes and boxes of stuff to drop off at Salvation Army. I thank God for the man he gave me!! And my kids - who continue to encourage me, and help me, and make me laugh! I thank God for good cell phone plans that include free minutes for MTS to MTS cell calls - and for unlimited texting! Tomorrow Ashley is coming out for half a day and helping me again. I am so thankful.
9. The tumbling, kicking and little unseen antics of my second grandbaby! Today when I stopped past Josh and Leah's I sat on the couch as we talked. And I caught a few "kicks or pushes" happening. O Lord, I am so thankful for my little grandbaby that we are excited to welcome in December! I will begin to make my second flannel rag quilt - this time Leah is going to help pick out the flannel. I can hardly wait to do this next quilt. I'll admit - it is a labor of love. And I have another piece from my grad dress to sew into the quilt, just as I did for Jay Benjamin's. As I sewed Jay's I sewed in prayers and lots of love. I will do that again for this one.
10. Creation attests to the greatness of our God! The sun on my skin today! How often do we have to use our AC in our cars in the month of September. Today I think it got up to 29 degrees celcius!! The sun on my skin - the blue sky - the colors of flowers all mixed together. The sight of our cats Vanilla and Louis relaxing in the warmth. The sound of my dog Oreo lapping up cool water. The sound of bluejays in my yard. And now - the sound of thunder...
Lord, you are such an amazing God - awesome and mighty - creator!! Thank you.
There is so much more!! SO MUCH! Lord, I am sooooooooo thankful!!
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