thoughts from today...
- a kiss good-bye from my husband as he left for work at 6:30. Enjoyed a little more sleep while he went off to work.
- a nice hot bath to help my stiff body move ~ my fibromyalgia seems bad again today
- Quiet time with my Lord - reflecting on 1 Thes. 5
- Still struggle with the verse "Be thankful in all circumstances ...."
- God is teaching me - one verse at a time
- looking forward to having lunch with my sister-in-law
- Alvin took the car to work and his truck would not start ~ a battery issue
- had to cancel our lunch together :(
- went for a long walk in the back forty (Oreo is so happy when I do this!)
- captured more pictures along the walk
- enjoyed a walk 'n talk with the Lord!
- just as I was coming back into the yard ~ God "kissed" me again with the sight of a big bluejay
- watched Dr. Oz - like this show, although the "bed bugs" segment was gross. I have been up close and personal with such little critters while travelling to the DR on our service trips.
- enjoyed supper with my kids tonight - all four of them. Well - including baby who is still "incognito" there are 5!
- laughed alot tonight!
- loved the warm weather again - above normal for this time of year. No SNOW yet - bonus! Decided this year I have to get proper and warm clothes and boots for outside walking in winter.
- drank some good coffee today!
- exerised for 70 minutes between walking and dancepadding!
- it has been a wonderful day in so many ways
- put the cradle up in Ashley's old bedroom so that when the baby comes to visit I will have a nice little bed ready!
- just slightly less than 4 weeks till I get to hold my second little grandbaby!
- off to bed at 1 am. (regardless of the time that automatically gets put on the post) I think I had too much coffee as I am not feeling too tired yet.
- God is at work, changing me, renewing me, restoring my broken heart and crushed spirit. I am so thankful that He love me so much! Only God could love me in the state I am in, and have been in! God, you are good.... you ARE. Today my heart is feeling what my head knows. Thank you Lord!
Isaiah 57:15 New Living
"I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts."
Isaiah 33: 2 NLT
"But Lord, be merciful to us for we have waited for you. Be our strong arm each day, and our salvation in times of trouble."
Friday - has come and gone. Lord, thank you for this day and renew me tonight as I sleep and may Saturday be a day where I can see your fingerprints all over the day.
I love you Lord.
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