I want to tell you about a gift from God, my friend Elizabeth.
Elizabeth and I met (long story) but it was through a christian site that was related to weight related things. We met first of all via posting comments on a website board, and then we began to email - and began a friendship. That was two years ago. It is quite amazing how our God works ... as Elizabeth is a worship pastor (or director? not sure the terminology used in her denomination) REGARDLESS - over the past two years, Elizabeth and I have talked about alot of things, including ministry and its joys, and also its challenges. She has talked and I have listened. I have talked and she has listened. Over the past year and a bit - she has been a source of comfort, and encouragement while we have been walking in our grief. It is funny how God has put us two women together, and we have much in common. We just laugh at times, it is so wild!
The other thing is that lately, our friendship has taken on another aspect - that of accountability partners for one another. That means that each day (I am trying to get this pattern right!!) I call her from my landline (since I have an amazing plan which includes the US) and I call her cell (since she has no landline, but has free minutes after 6) and we talk. Sometimes we miss days - but we are trying to figure it out.
We talk about our day - about our choices in regards to exercise, food choices, etc.
We pray together, after sharing prayer requests for the next day.
We talk about what we are grateful for - or what has been hard over the day.
It has been good, and it is funny how this conversation is such an encouragement for us both to "do the right thing" through wise food choices, through making time to take care of ourselves through exercise, and also we have talked about making our quiet time with God, our bible study, a PRIORITY.
Such it was that yesterday as Elizabeth prayed for me - that she used the terms pregnancy/gestation period/waiting and taking care of myself during this time of waiting. I noticed it as she prayed for me, using these words. Tonight when we talked, she mentioned that last night it seemed that God was giving her those words, and pictures in regards to me. (I had shared how hard this week has been)....
again tonight she shared how for some reason, God gave her those words to pray, and how my "waiting on God" for next steps (sale of house/ministry plans/to work or not to work/ etc) is a gestation period, and like pregnant moms take care of themselves during this time of "being pregnant", so too i need to take care of myself during this time of waiting. It reminded me of the dream my friend Karen had and shared with me last year, about me "being pregnant and showing" and how she felt it was in regards to the women's retreat ministry.
Hmmm.... somehow I feel in my being, that there is something big behind all this. I keep saying "GOD KNOWS ~ only God knows!" and at time I wrestle with waiting and trusting (or trying to trust)... but when I think of it like that - it seems right.
I am so glad for my friend Elizabeth. For her friendship over the past two years. For her encouragment. For her reminding me of the goodness of our God. For her prayers. For her laughter! The whole journey related to food/weight/fitness etc. is a huge thing - and has been a huge part of my life - intensely!! I feel like this time is different somehow - as I follow the First Line Therapy way of life. Have I figured it out? Not yet. Do I find giving up white flour and sugar easy? Not in your life! Do I feel better however when I exclude it? For sure - my fibromyalgia aches and pains are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less!! Do I still make wrong choices. Yep - guilty as charged HOWEVER I am making les and less with each week! I also spoke with a doctor at the "Mature Women's Center" who suggested that women exercise a MINIMUM of 4 hours - or 240 minutes which works out to about 35 minutes DAILY!! (hmm, yes, I can do it - I wanted to increase my exericse anyhow!) It has to become a way of life!! It just has too!
So, today I pulled out my Praise dvd's and plugged my dancepad into my computer - and moved to music for 47 minutes!! I had put it in for 45 minutes, and at that point the "fireworks" appeared on my screen - but then I danced for one more song!! Just gotta love dancing to "Days of Elijah" and other christian praise songs.
My goal - I am down 14lbs and want to hit 6 more by the time my grandbaby is born. And then, well - I have many more to go. I think the combination of support from family, accountability and prayer support from Elizabeth, and checking in with Leyla at the Center for Natural Medicine - is a combination that just has me feeling like it is working. I want to be around to cuddle, carry, and play with my grandchildren for years to come, and I just need to get this body in shape. With the health stuff in my family (extended) it just makes sense, and I am praying that this is the time!! And, the bottom line - I am trying to give it to God - minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. One day at a time.....
O Lord, thank you for family, and friends who encourage me in this journey...
Thank you for good food that you provide, help me to not take that for granted.
Thank you for the gift of each new day. May I give each moment, each hour, each day to you! Lord, I thank you for walking with me through this part of the journey as well. May I get this "temple" into shape.... with your strength. Thank you Lord that you have given me a friend in Elizabeth, someone who helps keep me accountable. Thank you!
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