Tuesday, January 18

the 18th already?

Where does time go?  Can you believe it - it is already the 18th.  Today has begun and the sun is shining through the windows of the loft.  It is a great day - I did get up early - had coffee and mini-wheats with my man, kissed him good-bye as he left to go to our land.  He is on holidays for a while - so it is giving him more time to work there.  It is so terribly cold outside - not the best working weather - but they have been able to do some inside work on the cold days. 

After he left - I did my study - Day 1.  Last night I went to the introductory session of Beth Moore's bible study: David - Seeking a Heart Like His.  At the beginning of the year (18 days ago) my prayer was that I would draw closer to the Lord during this year.  I believe this study is part of it. I am a lover of the studies done by Beth.  Honestly - I have done other studies, but none compare to hers as far as I am concerned. 

David!  A man with a heart after God's own.  A man with a very "colorful" life as one woman said last night.
Hmmm... sounds like us doesn't it.  I have always been intrigued by David.  The Psalms, which contain many written by David - have comforted me ~ intrigued me ~ and confused me.  For the most part however - it has been reading the Psalms that I have been given "expression" during some of my "darkest nights".
I have always wondered what was in God's mind when he chose David...
And how David's sin (like my own) pains the heart of God.... often.

So this morning, I returned to the comfort of my bed - took my bed table, my bibles, my workbook, my pens and my highlighter and began the journey that I KNOW will be mine through this study!

also posted today ~    www.zephaniah3verse17.blogspot.com

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