The other day, one of my best friends Josie, was over for lunch. Before leaving she said that there was somewhere she was reading in Exodus, and she was going to look it up and call me. The next morning the phoone rang, and although she only had a couple minutes before her work began, she said, "Joy you have to read Exodus 33.... " There was excitement in her voice, which lead me to grab my Bible as soon as she hung up, and read. I wanted to see what it was she thought was for me and my family.
Well -- you can read it for yourself. But the bottom line is that Moses, was bold and he reminded God of what God had promised, and asked for God's favor to fall on Moses...
Later, on Thursday afternoon, there I sat at my favorite coffee place (Mountain Bean) and journalled and read and journalled and read.... and read and journalled some more. Here are some of my thoughts:
A long time on the hill, out of sight - the people get restless
And left to their own plans - give up their gold to make a golden calf.
O foolish people - stubborn and rebellious.
God's anger was stirred.
And Aaron, poor Aaron, a man in leadership...
He was made into a laughing stock.
Moses tries to pacify the Lord and it says that "the Lord changed his mind"
And Moses returns to the people
with two tablets of stone - freshly inscribed by God himself.
His anger aroused at the sight,
and at the sound of Aaron justifying the pagan worship.
O Aaron, what were you thinking?
Had you not seen God at work?
And Moses intercedes for Israel.
He returns to the Lord on their behalf
but God replied that they would be held responsible for their sin.
O People - stubborn and rebellious
How quicily you forgot what God had done for you.
(and I heard a whisper... Joy, are these people like anyone you know.... O God, yes.)
Moses gets about the business of God
Spending time in the Tent of Meeting
And as he went - the pillar of cloud descended as God spoke one on one with Moses
And the people witnessing the cloud, would bow in reverence.
O Moses - what an experience you had
The Lord speaking to you face to face "as someone speaks to a friend."
(and I hear a whisper - just like I speak to you Joy, one on one - as one speaks to a friend.... O God, yes.)
And then one day -
Moses got bold and said to the Lord.
Moses SAID.
Moses didn't ask, but he boldly said what was on his heart.
He asked God about words God had spoken to him.
About knowing Moses by name...and about looking favorably...
O Moses... how bold.
And yet - how you loved the Lord, and how you longed for fuller understanding and to enjoy God's favor.
Moses - you spoke the owrds that are on my heart.
My thoughts
Thse words have also rolled off the tip of my tongue.
God..."if your presence doesn't take the lead here, call this trip off right now - how else will it be known that you're with me in this - with me and your people...
...are you travelling with us or not? how else will we know that we're special - I and your people among all other people on this planet Earth?
And God said, "All Right, just as you say, this also will I do, for I know you well and you are special to me - I know you by name." The Message, Exodus 33: 15 - 17
Oh Lord - I feel like I can exhale.
Like Moses, I ask for the same thing.
Examine my heart God.
May it be in line with your will for me and my family.
In boldness, I ask for you to look favorable on us. To let us know your ways. Because O Lord, we love you, and you know us by name.
Lord, shine on us.
O Lord, in your mercy.... show us your favor.
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