Wow.... I have been blown away by love. Yesterday, I was talking with my good friend Judy, to see if she was around for coffee at Mountain Bean, and well unfortunately, she had taken an extra shift and was working. So I went about my afternoon and spent some time at the Bean, just journalling and working through some scripture...I love doing that at the Mountain Bean. Something about the atmosphere there. :)
Later, I picked up Alvin from work, and before we went home, checked back with Judy to see if they wanted to meet us for coffee... and well, it ended up being an impromptu invitation by her to come for supper, which she was just making. So, off we went, for a great time of food (she is an amazing cook) and fellowship around the table and also around their fireplace. And might I add, some fun conversation and many, many laughs!!
And then, came the overwhelming part.... when she explained that the huge basket of gifts, and the bags around it, were for me, and some were for the both of us, just because we are loved....
You know, it is a funny thing. At this point, I have been away from work for almost a month (two weeks of holidays, and almost two weeks of being A.W.O.L.) And, as someone suggested the other day "is your email and phone overrun with messages?" to which I said no, that wasn't the case, BUT I have talked with a few people... many through email or facebook, including each of the staff I work with, and a handful of close friends from our church, and also our good young friends from our caregroup (these young couples breathe life into these dry bones!) ... and I have had coffee and supper with some friends as well, including a few men who are good friends with Alvin. AND, really I am not complaining because I really do not need nor do I want to be telling and retelling my story to everyone, and really, most people don't want to know, or need to know... that is the reality of life, and how it stops for some, while it marches on for others. But, that being said, I have thought how one could literally walk away and perhaps not be missed. I know, I know.... that isn't true right? But really, how many times have we/I noticed that we haven't seen someone at church in a long time, but haven't tried to contact them? I am guilty of that too.
So, anyhow, Alvin and I have talked about this.... in fact right after I had been hugged up and chatted with Karis (while getting the next Esther DVD) we talked all the way to Lloyd and Judy's about missing people, and about people perhaps missing us but "giving us space". Yep, I have done that too, but have also through our walk with grief, realized that "giving space" to someone who needs it, is really not the thing to do... because people need to be cared for, and the grieving person themself, should be the one to say "I need my space" if that is truly what they need. Okay, I am rambling....
Anyhow, we had been talking on the way to their house, about our experience, and about how perhaps we have treated people who were in our position in the past, and how we feel we are wiser in some ways now through our current journey (one which we would never ever have picked ourselves, and pray no one else ever walks this..)
And then, we get THIS BASKET.... you can call it a number of things, A "sunshine" or "joy" basket, which was on the label. The long and the short of it is, it was put together by people (friends) who love, pray and want to encourage me/us through this long and dark and deep walk through grief, and into healing. And, I/we were and are blown away.
Last night, I opened the loose cards, and quickly realized they weren't just cards, but each one held a treat of some kind...
This morning, I opened a gift that had a prayer blanket in it... lovingly made... actually by someone whom I had made a prayer shawl for... and it is around me right now. I opened this bag because when I carried it, I felt it and thought perhaps this could be what it was.
I am blown away. I am thankful. I am once again reminded that God puts people in our lives who love us and pray for us, and encourage and yes, remember us when we are away. People who are there in the background, and in the forefront. People who are there when it feels quiet and lonely... I am truly thankful.
I have many gifts to open.... and will look forward to each morning, and the treat that it brings. And, I will thank God for each person attached to the gift, and if it is anonymous, I will still thank God, because He knows the hand that wrapped the gift and gave it to Judy.
So, if you are reading this, and you have been a part of this Joy basket.... my thanks... from the bottom of my heart.... the broken heart, whose pieces are slowly but surely coming back together. O God, thank you for friends.
I'm so glad that you got that. And if after reading week you want to go for coffee sometime that would be great! I'm going to Alberta for the week. I do miss seeing you just so you know :) May you see sunshine in the rest of your day even as the sunshine shines from your basket.
Love Phoebe
I'm glad I got to read your blog. I'm not trying to give you space.... I've just been too busy and that makes me sad cause that's what I hated about life when we were hurting - people were too busy to stop and have coffee or supper or even to call. And, just a few short years later, here I am doing the same thing. I have thought about you lots but that doesn't count. I'm learning that. And for a bit of complaining - I don't like my busy life and have to figure out how to make it less busy. Anyway, this comment is to be about your blog and not about me. So, let’s get together and maybe we should figure out a regular time rather than just hoping it will work out. I’d like to do coffee with just you and me and I’d like to have you over as well or we can come your way… whatever you’d prefer.
Talk to you son.
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