My men.... Alvin, the one whom I have loved since I was 16. Joshua and Michael, both my boys, one by blood, and one by marriage, but both mine!! (sounds a little like the beginning of yesterday's post?)
I just got in from a walk outside. It was fresh. The sun was starting to think of setting... as I walked, I could hear the sound of the chainsaw. The guys have all been outside - actually for most of the day. They have been getting wood for our wood boiler. (Okay, that is one thing I will not miss when we sell and build our next home!) Alvin and I are so thankful that our boys are so willing to help. There is absolutely no "pulling teeth" - but instead a willingness to come and help out a parent.
As I walked, I was praying again.... it is the most amazing walk in that sense.... constant reminders of God around me, and a space to just spend time, uninterrupted with my God. I love that about country living!! Quiet solitude!
As I got closer to the sound, I saw piles of wood along the way. The tractor was heading back toward the house (with Alvin driving it) and its load of wood. Michael was stacking, Josh was cutting.
As I walked to the end and doubled back, I decided to take a few more pictures. That is when Alvin got back, this time with the snowmobile and sled, and I could get the three hard workers together.
God, I thank you for my men. For the man whom I saw the first day of MBCI, Sept 74 and knew that he was the one!
For my boys... well, for my men. Joshua, my son by birth - the firstborn. I will never forget that when I was in labor, my dad got a phonecall from his sister, telling him that she had a dream that I was in labor, and that I had a boy. I don't know that she ever thought she was prophetic, but in this case she was. My father used to say that Joshua was going to be used by God in a mighty way. Josh was alot like my father - Geri Thomas - or POPPA as the kids called him. I see that in Josh's personality, in the way he has with people. In his entrepreneurship....and for the ideas he has. He has never been without a job of some kind, even dreaming up his own and making money at it. I love how my son's eyes tear up prior to him telling you something funny. He has a sense of humour, and has had it since he was a very little boy. In Josh, I see a sensitivity to people, and to life. I see a little boy who grew up to be a man whom I am so proud of. A handsome guy outwardly, but a man with a beauty inside, that is because of God. I watch my son, and see a spitting image of Alvin... the way they walk, the way they do things. Like father like son. I was so proud of the way my son was preparing to be a dad - and the pride he had when he looked at Leah as she carried Jay. I know that Josh looked forward to Jay making him into a daddy. We weep together at a life cut short before even a day came to be.
Michael, my son through marriage. Who would have thought that the drummer who helped lead us into worship, would marry my baby girl! I love watching Michael and the way he loves to learn. I love seeing how he is eager to get involved, how he laughs at the crazy antics of our family, and gets right in there. I am proud of the man that he has become too - even though I haven't known him for only a few years. I love how he is sensitive to those around him. I think what I love the most is watching he and Josh interact. They seem to just really love hanging out.
I love how Michael is so easy going, and yet can get serious when he needs to be. I watch as he cares for and loves my daughter. I remember how we teased Michael last year when we were in Cuba, and how Josh and Leah began calling him Uncle Mikey.
We know that we learn through the experience of life. We know without a doubt, that the experience of our little Jay being born silently last July, was one of the hardest teachers we ever had. Through it, I saw how my men were able to be there for one another. No young man should have to bury his own son... that just does not make any sense. No young man should have to help his father-in-law make a little casket for a precious little baby. I saw how life turned my men older than their years. And how it caused tears to fall from eyes that usually laughed. I can hardly wait until the mourning turns to joy again.
I thank God for my men. For Alvin, for Joshua and for Michael. I am so proud to be wife, and mom. I am so glad that I have them to lean on, and to give support to, during the hardest of life, and we look forward to when we all laugh together again.
God, thank you, for the men of integrity that you have created Alvin, Joshua and Michael to be. Lord, may you be their strength in all ways - physical, emotional, mental and spiritually. Amen
so i waited till i had time to read this, because i didn't want to rush through it
and i'm extra emotional today, but think i would've cried either way.
i am overwhelmed with thankfulness for all three of them, and for our family. i can't even describe it.
I agree.... there is no family like ours. But then again, I am biased. To God be the glory!! You all, are gifts to me. I am blessed.
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