On the morning of Alvin's birthday - I took him to Pineridge Hollow for breakfast! It was a great time to just sit and enjoy the ambiance of this wonderful place! I don't often get Alvin to PH - usually find myself there with my "girl" friends, so this was as special time! As he is getting older, I think my man is just getting more and more handsome (but once again, I am biased, but it is my blog!)
So Alvin's birthday has come and gone for another year - he did not blow out 52 candles, but he did blow out some, and ate lots of cake! I think back to the first cake I made for him. I was living in "the white house" which was a house that the MB Bible College owned. Josie and I were allowed to rent and live in the "white house" (which has since been torn down and replaced with MBCI's RED GYM). Anyhow - living in the whitehouse for our grade 11 year was alot of fun. In the basement we had the full basement, which always served as a great meeting room, studying room, watching those early CANADA/RUSSIA hockey games, etc. Often many of our classmates could be found in the basement hanging out. That is also where our kitchen space was. That first birthday I made Alvin a cake - a chocolate one. Thing is - well, who knew the rack in the oven was not in correct - so when the cake came out - it was high on one side and very thin on the other. Nothing a little icing can't fix. Okay - a LOT of icing on one side! I didn't live that one down, although I do remember it being eaten up!
This birthday we celebrated with a Mango Angel Food cake (my own recipe concoction) and a Grasshopper Dessert (which has become a fam favorite) and yesterday it was the family traditional COFFEE TORTE made by non other than my mom in law! I have made a few of these myself, but mom always seems to have one sitting idly by in her freezer, and just needs the gallon of whipping cream to put it together!
Alvin and I have celebrated his birthday since 1975. That means this is the 36th birthday cake!! And we are only 52 (well I am not quite, but getting there!) So you do the math!! We have been in love since we were 16! That is alot of loving!! And, the best part is that there is even more to come!
It was a fun filled, friend filled, family filled, cake filled, present filled weekend! It was wonderful to end the weekend with our family around the supper table. We haven't regularly "held hands" as we say grace - it just never was something we did. However - last night, we held hands around the circle and I got to say grace and "bless my husband" and suggested that the hand holding would become our new tradition!
I have to say we got to hold our little Everett alot! And we also got to watch him smile alot! It is so much fun as he is noticing alot. He is also doing this little laugh, and is beginning to "talk" especially after he has been fed and changed! I love watching his auntie Ashley snapping pictures! I have to say that the picture of him at the beginning was captured by moi! Looks like he is saying hello!!
As Ashley and Michael, Josh and Leah, Grandma and I sat and watched Olympics - the birthday boy was in the other room laying on the floor with Everett . Ash said, "was there other things Dad wanted to do tonight - play a game or do Kareoke?" I think Josh said something like "I think Dad is doing what he really wanted to do." And I said yes, waiting to snuggle his little grandson was top of his Birthday wishes list. As Ash and Michael and Grandma were getting ready to go - we all peeked into the quiet room. There was Alvin (Poppa) laying on his tummy and his little Grandson laying beside him on his back! Quite the little pair! We could only smile.
Looked like the birthday boy had gotten his wish!
Happy Birthday to the love of my life - a gift from God - a man who knows no limits when it comes to "being there" for his kids, for me, or actually anyone for that matter.
Happy Birthday to a man who is the jack of all trades, and truly a master of them all!
Happy Birthday to my man - who is a friend to all!
Happy Birthday to a man who is one of the most hardworking honest men I know - and who loves to help others - and often serves others with his time and talents and gifting. Helping others brings Alvin joy.
Happy Birthday to a man who can do laps in the dining room, kicking up his heels, sings to whatever music is on the radio, laughs till he can hardly speak, beams when he watches his family, and just truly loves life!
Happy Birthday to my man - my husband Alvin. A man who love the Lord with all his heart! And, who believes that it is more important to be a witness for Jesus through his actions and the way he can serve others. A man who loves his job - regardless of whether it is fighting a fire, or picking up someone who is intoxicated and laying on the street. He truly truly loves his job, AND each person that he works with, and among.
Happy Birthday dear sweetheart! I hope there are many more birthday cakes - many more celebrations to come! I love you!
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