I've thought alot lately about the time my husband and I (and a team from our church) spent in Thailand, visiting and working alongside of some missionaries that our church helps to support.
And tonight, I have just come home from a wonderful evening spent with our team that went out and did some mission work in Thailand, with an amazing team there. My heart is overflowing with so many thoughts on the greatness of God. This week has been amazing too, as I spent time with L. (my friend who is part of the team serving in Thailand).... we spent time at a little Mexican restaurant. I talked and she listened. I listened and she talked. It was so good, and I came away so blessed, much more than my friend L. will ever know I am sure. She has walked through some similar grief, and God knew that He would use her as a healing salve to my broken heart. I thank God for the time we were able to spend together talking!
I don't quite know how to explain it, this connection that we have, and I feel. Kind of like a kindred spirit. When I was in Thailand, and we were able to spend time over breakfast just before we left, that was the first time I felt life breathed into my situation. Already then, I knew I was learning from L. how to pray boldly before the throne of God. And at that time, I wasn't even having an inkling that my life would become so hard. I remember that day though, as I shared that I felt that God was doing something in my soul, in my heart and life... and there at the top of that little Thai restaurant, my friend L. prayed for me. Only God knew what this year would hold. I came back with a new wind in my sail....and a confidence that God had placed there, as a result of our conversation and prayer together.
This past week, as we talked for a few hours, and then as we prayed together, I could not help but thank God again for the way He puts friends into our life. I have learned alot from L. - alot about depending on God... a lot about letting the Holy Spirit lead, direct and fill your life. I have also learned alot about faith... and expecting great things, or as I have said for the past few weeks... having faith and expecting miracles.
We shared some tears together. I wish I had talked less and listened more. I loved hearing how God moves in such unexpected and surprising ways, and I came away from our time together wanting more of God and His surprises along the way.
Then, within a couple days, I got copied on an email from someone else within this same ministry team in Thailand. There before me, in print, was stories of God at work AGAIN in a mighty, mighty way - of signs and wonders. Of people coming to Christ, of people being healed... of miracles. And I just have to say again, God you are amazing!!
So tonight we all spent time again, our team together, listening, and then praying. Praying for God to do amazing things. Thanking him for what He is going to do with L. and her husband, and for their family and the team. I am still trying to figure it out, why we don't see more miracles - is it because we just don't think God will do them? I know you can LORD....
I want more of you Jesus. I want to see you lifted up - in my home, my community, my family. I want to fall hopelessly in love with you, and experience your extravagent love wash over me! Jesus, you are going to do something amazing. I just have this sense. And, when you do, may it bring you ALL the honor and glory, because it is ALL about YOU JESUS!! ALL about YOU!!
To God be the Glory!! amen.
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