Today, as I sat down at my dining room table with a huge cup of coffee (Mountain Bean beans that were ground here at home... ummm :) I realized as I put the date on my journal pages, that today, TODAY is October 1st. Interesting thing is, I had to start a new journal today. I think it is volume number 6. Hmmmm
Anyhow, I had a nice QT with God this morning - I love that! The Father and I. I needed that again this morning. God knows I needed to experience HIM. As part of my quiet time, I was directed to Psalm 53. Directed because it seemed God laid it on my heart, so I turned there.
There were a couple verses that spoke to me, or should I say, caused a response. One of them was vs 2, that said that "God looks down from heaven on the sons of men, to see if there are any who understand - any who see God." and then vs 6 "Oh that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad."
The thing that seemed to impress on me, and forgive me if I am taking it totally out of context, but, I just couldn't help but think that "Father, please restore the fortunes" whatever that really means for me, and my husband and our kids.
Makes me think of what we would consider a fortune. Today, I asked the Lord that this journal would be one of joy! Time will tell. I have also thought that part of the restoring of fortunes, would include some of the miracles that I am also petitioning God for. Still struggling with that - the petitioning part. I have realized that asking God is the easy part. Believing He can do miracles is also easy. For me, the hard part is praying without trying to "coerce" God - I realize that isn't what I am doing, but I am trying to figure out how to pray with boldness and then just live in trust!
Anyhow, back to the fortune part - or restoring fortune - in Psalm 53 it talks about "when" God does it - and this is what I am believing - and WHEN He does the miracles - it will bring HIM the glory and the honor that only God is so worthy of.
Have faith - expect miracles. God, to you goes all the praise and glory, and thanks for all you are going to do! I love you Jesus.
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