It is no secret, that for years, I have struggled with the stronghold of weight. In fact "struggle" doesn't describe it. I have often "given" it to God, only to take it back - why do I think I can do a better job? Is that why we continue to take things back? Gotta wonder.
I realize over and over again, that HE wants the best for me. He also wants the best for my body, which is the "temple" of the HOLY SPIRIT. So often, I just don't put the two things together, and continue to struggle.... SO...
I have decided to re-commit. Actually, after seeing some pictures from Thanksgiving, that was the "encouragement" that I needed. I know my kids always tell me that I am way more critical of myself than I need to/ or should be.
However, pictures don't lie do they?
So, I have decided to get back onto eating in a balanced way - actually it (FirstLine Therapy plan) is suggested to me by a naturapathic doctor, who sent me to an amazing nurse Flori, who also happens to be a believer!! BONUS!!
She has seen me through the great loss of my little Grandson Jay... and has been an encouragement. But, I need to make the decision... but it is only with God's strength and totally submitting it all to him... surrendering...
I just know that this weight thing has kept me in bondage of its own kind, and sometimes it feels like a spiritual battle, and I think it is.
It is about being broken... about surrendering....
Yesterday, I was reading about being broken, and from Psalm 51 (hope I get that one right) where it talks about God wanting "a broken heart and a contrite spirit" and I just know that I am such a broken vessel, and this is the last piece that needs to be shattered for JESUS!!
So Lord, help me to live for you... to surrender and die to self - in all areas of my life, including this big one!! Holy Spirit, keep me focused. Help me to live fully and to go to God for all things, and not to get into emotional pain and run to food. This is my prayer. I know that Scripture says that with you God, I can "scale a mountain". So, please Lord, help me to claim victory because of your power and strength in my life. May you ultimately get the glory. Amen
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