Today was the first day of this next chapter of life. This week is a week of continued "purging" in our home. It is unbelieveable how much stuff you accumulate in 26 years of living in one place! Everything on this land has been built by Alvin. I keep thinking it will be a very sad moment at such time as we sell - and pull out of our driveway for the last time. Our house isn't up for sale yet - but will be, Lord Willing - very soon.
So, today - I worked for a while and then had to go into the city for a few things, including a dentist app. It just really is too bad that I didn't do this a while ago when my plan was still in effect past tonight! I also went to the RM office to apply for our lot grade... accompanied by a cheque for $2300. Unbelieveable. I think it was at that point I had my first few moments of being overwhelmed. I am not working. I am NOT WORKING! It is true... and tomorrow will be my first day of unemployment!
Today as I drove - the reality sunk in even more. As I drove past McIvor Avenue - I realized that my car will no longer turn and head east off Henderson at McIvor. I began to think again about where I could work - and again it seemed that God was saying and reminding me to trust him. I want to - I just seem to keep wanting to supply my needs !! O Lord, help me to trust - to trust with all my being.
So - I bought some more containers. And I bought shrink wrap to put around the containers that I have already packed up. Michael has been helping Alvin a few days when Josh was at camWp - and on Friday Josh and Michael worked at the ceramic tile at the back door. Alvin is on holidays - and so it is good timing. We are off together finally. Tomorrow Ash is coming out too - and I can't help but think that we will get a ton of stuff done.
I am also signed up for a course at the school of Spiritual Direction in the States in October. I am really going on trust - as I am not working - so I will trust the financial aspects all work out. I can't remember if I blogged this or not, but a couple weeks ago, Ash and I separated my container full of change, and then I lugged it into Steinbach Credit Union to the money machine - and wow - it came to $802! Almost half of the cost to go!
Too bad I couldn't put any of this through my "professional development" fund at church. Kind of sad - to think I was eligible for a sabbatical that I never was able to take - would have been helpful now. Oh well - God knows. I believe that if this is truly what He wants me to do - that He will take care of the financial concerns that I have in regards to me going! Whih reminds me - I need to read all the books!!
Well I am going to go - it is getting late (contrary to what the time of this post will say) it is after ten thirty pm and I am tired. Tomorrow will be a full day. And, the first day of a new month.
God - thank you that you are my God. And I thank you that you have everything in your control - and I really don't have to get overwhelmed even though I do. Sorry Lord - I want to trust you for all these things - somehow I just get easily overwhelmed. Please help me to trust you for all the details in my life. I pray that you will take care of the financial details for this course as well, if this is your will for me to take it. You are a great God and greatly to be praised! Thank you for the strength to go through all the stuff in our house - it is emotionally stressful! But, in your strength - we can do it! And we pray in advance for the sale of our home. Lord, I love you! thank you for being my Saviour and my Lord. In you, I trust. Amen.Well -
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