O little one - have I told you lately how much I love you and how I can hardly wait to hold you in my arms ~to take a deep breath of your fresh little baby fragrance ~to look at your little ears, to kiss your little cheeks and to count your little fingers and toes.
O little one - have I told you lately how much I love you and how I can hardly wait to rock you to sleep ~ to sing you the "Bye Baby Bunting" song that I sang to your daddy ~ to wrap you in the little quilt that I made for you ... the quilt that was stitched with love, thoughts and prayers.
O little one - have I told you lately how much I love you and how I can hardly wait to hear your first cry ~and to be to be there as you grow, to be able to wipe your little tears and hug and kiss you better ~ to be able to watch you grow, a day at a time ~ weeks to months. Months to years.
I don't want to hurry you along but I do dream, and pray about all that you will be little one.
O little one - have I told you lately how long it feels that I have been praying for you little one? How I have wept tears as I waited for your arrival ~how I have prayed that you would welcome this world with a strong and heart cry!
O little one - my second little grandbaby - O how much I love you. I love you today, but will love you even more tomorrow. And when I finally get to hold you - I KNOW that my love will know no bounds.
O little one - you have already made me laugh as I watched you grow in your mommy's tummy ~You have already made me laugh as I watched your daddy patting you as if you were a little watermelon ~ You have already made me laugh as I see your mommy tap you, and see you
push back! Tonight as I watched, it appeared as if you were tumbling inside!!
O little one - you are growing strong and healthy. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Made in the image of God! I have loved you since I first heard about you little one. Soon, very soon - I can whisper all this to you, while thanking God again for you - my little Grandbaby... our little gift.
O little one - I love you. Today ~ more tomorrow and always forever! Little one - this Granny is head over heals in love with you already!!
** Ashley (my daughter) took these pictures of Leah, Josh and Baby about two months ago - and they are so beautiful. I lifted them off her facebook, which is why they are so little I guess - I don't know what to do to make them bigger - however - you will get the gest of it - Leah is a beautiful mommy, Josh a very proud dad already, and our little Grandbaby - well, even "incognito" baby is just plain beautiful!!
13 days ... we are definitely counting and praying with you and wiping tears as we do!
beautiful, joy. your grandbabies are so blessed to have you for a grandmother.
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