Yesterday I got to spend time with my boys. (my man, and my sons Josh and Michael) And, oh it was sweet. Usually I get up, drink coffee and kiss Alvin as he goes out the door - either to the firehall, or to work with the family business (Blue Jay Family Works). But yesterday - he stayed home, and the boys came out here - SO I got way more hugs (I always get to sneak a kiss in on Josh!) and got to converse over steel cut oatmeal and apples & chicken fingers and sweet potato fries!!
Even though they were working out in the warm shop (preparing to pour a bunch of concrete countertops) - I KNEW they were here, and it was wonderful. The only thing more wonderful would have been to have my girls out here as well - but unlike me right now - they both are working at paying jobs!!
So, for most of the day it was 3 men and a lady (that being me!!) The boys left at about 3 and Alvin and I went for a walk. I had decided I needed to make a rock with a "dedication" on it - and somehow fasten it on the big rock base of the "altar". So, I spent some time writing on a rock I had pre-selected and washed. And it was ready to go. Alvin got the caulking gun so we could silicone it on. I know what it is all about - but wanted it to be a testiment to the Lord - for His faithfulness and goodness. Believe me - there were times of my journey when I have really struggled to say that ALTHOUGH my head always knew it is true.
So out we went - caulked it on - and then did the "back 40 loop" together, returned to pick up the caulking gun, and went back home. As we were relaxing a little - Alvin suggested we go in to the cheap seats at the theatre - but there was nothing that we wanted to see. Then - in am impromtu move - we called up two dear friends - and asked if they wanted to come out for coffee or if we should meet them for coffee.
Actually we texted them, which lead to a phone call.
We were so blessed by Willy and Betty's visit once again. Throughout our journey - they have been such strong support. I only hope we can be that for them. Alvin and I have realized that there are several friends who fill this spot in our hearts. Friendships that were strong before, but only got deeper and fuller since our walk through the valley of death ...
Anyhow, back to last night - within the hour, they were knocking at our door. As they came through - it was like a fresh wind blew in with them. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't love these two - a combination that just always warms my heart.
From the hug hello - to the hug good-bye (all around hugs I may add) the time spent is just so uplifting. I had to laugh though - as Willy apologized for perhaps being to forward to us the week or so before when he had come out, and encouraged Alvin strongly on one point! Alvin and I hadn't even thought twice about it - which means basically that we were not offended by his strong encouragment. Rather, took it as a friend to a friend advice. But, Willy felt like he needed to apologize. We let him off the hook quickly.
What I love about the visit with them (again last night) is that they never hm and haw about it being too far to drive out!! And, they (I feel) have given us the room we have needed to "vent" in a safe way. And - they dare to give us some strong encouragement! (and we don't feel offended). But I also love that they let us into their lives, their thoughts - each of them. And - we can laugh together alot!
I don't remember when we became friends exactly - I think it was cemented when we became deacons together in the late 80's. And, our kids are around the same age...
But I do know that lately, they just become dearer and dearer and dearer!!
And, we love them, and feel that they love us!!
So, as I went to bed last night - sleep came quickly for a change. I think that came from feeling so incredibly loved. Thank you Lord!
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