- good conversation with my man (I am so thankful for him and his love for me)
- hugs/texts/phonecalls and visits in person with my kids (all four)
- snuggles with my little grandson Everett
- kisses with my little grandson too! (I wonder if there will be times when he says "no kisses Granny!" I hope not!)
- I have seen a little bush bunny this morning, he was eating some of the bird seed that fell under the feeder
- many deer cross our paths as we walk
- the smell of rain
- the smell of fresh flowers (okay, I love fresh flowers and yes, I buy them often, just for around the house!)
- the taste of Mountain Bean medium blend coffee
- the sight of a nice tidy house (although I will do a dust and vacuum tomorrow am)
- the sight of the lime green spider mum flowers (what a creative God our God is!)
- the smell of my little grandson (um, nothing like babies!!)
- the sound of his voice, and the sound of his laughter
- the taste of roasted chickpeas (gotta get those legumes in)
- the smell of a bakery (okay, that was a temptation yesterday that I did not give in to)
- the sound of Steve Bell's CD - Dinner with Bruce (hmm... I wonder WHERE THE LIONS ARE?!)
- the sound of rain pouring down
- quiet time with the Lord first thing in the mornings
- the sight of puddles accumulating in the fields
- the sound of gravel crunching under my tires
- the taste of avacodo summer rolls (made at Sobeys) without the sushi!
- the feel of finishing exercise on my treadmill
- the feel of my soft pillow under my head
- the sound of a quiet house!
- the sound of a friends voice
- the beep from my cell signaling a text - (my kids and husband and I text alot)
- the feel of a warm bubbling bath in the jetted tub
- the feeling of excitement as I was given our plans for our "build" on Henderson
- the excitement knowing we have an agent showing our house tomorrow, and our agent hosting and open house on Sunday
- the feeling of putting myself "out there" so to speak, as I have handed in a resume for a casual position... the end date for the posting was today.
- a sense of fulfillment as I got have been back to my jogging routine (I am back to square 1... week one of the Couch Potato to 5 K run - guide for beginners!)
- surprise as I stop past my mailbox at church, and pull out a card with a donation to the ministry!
- my heart has been touched in many ways by two new blogs that I have been following for the past little while. (these are new to me in the past month or so) One is www.mydayswithautism.blogspot.com as well as mrsmksmusings.blogspot.com These two blogs are very different, and yet in both blogs, you will see women who love the Lord, who love their families, and who trust God with all they have. My heart has been greatly touched.
..... it has been a full two days.
I had coffee with friends, got to look after my little grandson for a while, visited with my kids, went out for supper with my husband (on a gift certificate we were given) and had some good time with the Lord during my daily Quiet Time (aka QT). Today is raining - at times it is raining ALOT. As I drove, the windshield wipers beat out their own song! I feel like I have made some exciting decisions this week as far as my health goes... and have felt so positive, and I know it affects everything. I am feeling very hopeful in many areas. Even though I still feel like I am freefalling in some respects (as far as following God and where He has me right now) I am freefalling without fear. Okay, sometimes there is anxious moments, but for the most part, Alvin and I are doing this "tandom jump" with great anticipation at what God is doing and is going to do in the future!
Anyhow - those were some of my thoughts...
I am sure there are many more - but that is it for now.
Taste and See that the Lord is Good!
Listen for His voice!
Feel his embrace around you!
Take a look around you and soak in the goodness of God!
Breathe deeply!!
Love Life and Live it to the fullest!!
Thank you Lord for giving us the gift of our senses!
Can't imagine life without them!