one load after another left the property.... some stuff for the shop... some stuff for the loft...some stuff for storage! 27 years of stuff!

God has me on a journey - and as I travel it, this blog reflects the thoughts and musings (and the odd butterfly) from the heart of a senior woman, who is learning how to love with all my being, live fully and with no regrets, embrace life with my husband,kids and grandkids, and to let God lead in the dance of life that He has me learning!
Friday, July 30
down to the last sleep...
one load after another left the property.... some stuff for the shop... some stuff for the loft...some stuff for storage! 27 years of stuff!
Thursday, July 29
Santa Claus and other pictures...
Early Morning Songs
I know that I am transparent... that my kids know when something is up with me. My one sister knows that if I am not answering, it may be because I am a) truly not home or b) too close to tears to talk at the moment (which is what happened last Friday when both home phone and cell took messages all day.
I am okay with tears. Goodness... I think everyone knows that! I love the verse about God saving our tears in a bottle, and have often wondered WHY does God do that?
I have a full day ahead of me - but I am not overwhelmed. My good friend Jeannette is coming out this morning and will be here for night... she is an organizer, I figure the dust will fly!! (lol) Plus we will have some overdue chat time! (she is my friend, but also family, since she is my son Michael's mom!)
Later, Phoebe is bringing supper (O Phoebe you are such a sweet friend!) And more (our kids, Betty and Willy) are coming out to help move this evening... it is all good, but I have a feeling it will be a long day, full day, fun day, and that tonight Alvin and I will flop down into our mattresses on the floor, and sigh...
I have a car full of clothes to go and drop off (at the second hand stores) and so will go shortly, however as I sat here checking emails, the words from a song ran through my mind. As God usually does, I believe He sent these words to my heart, and they are just in time!!
Be still and know, that I am God.
Be still and know, that I am God.
Be still and know, that I am God.
I am the Lord who healeth thee
I am the Lord who healeth thee
I am the Lord who healeth thee
In Thee O Lord, I put my trust
In Thee O Lord, I put my trust
In Thee O Lord, I put my trust
Be still and know, that I am God
Be still and know, that I am God
Be still and know, that I am God.
(repetitive, but a most peaceful song for my heart this morning... God has used this often with me, and knows I need it today. Thank you Lord!)
Tuesday, July 27
my husband ~ another day at work!*473/fire-cat-rescue.jpg
Yesterday I got a text from my friend Willy, who told me that if I wanted to see Alvin at work - to check Winnipeg Free Press online. Later in the day I was finally able to - and this is what I found... my man rescuing a cat!
I think that if I imagine a firefighter - this is what I imagine... my husband...
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Today...
I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, until that day! (words from an old song, that just came into my memory)
I really do not have time to be sitting here blogging, but since a picture is worth a thousand words - here are the pictures from Saturday, yesterday and today. Lord - to you we give the praise!
Tuesday morning - bright and early - the work began
A little cup of coffee - on the rooftop
Last night after the storm passed
dipping and dumping the water that we pushed into the pit while squeegee-ing
Alvin and Willy squeegee-ing the top floor
water rushing down off the top as they squeegee
Betty at work
soaked... as we waited out the storm, the water was dripping through the top floor
but with the heat - a little water was refreshing
somehow Betty is able to see the joy in everything!
Betty and Willy - called and came to the land, complete with work gloves!
Saturday - work was done sheeting the place
Wayne stopped only when we called a "coffee break" time!
Friday work - Brennan and Alvin
Josh was in the middle - holding the trusses from this point...
This work was really hard to watch, but so glad when it was completed.
If you are reading, please keep the boys (today the boys are: Michael, Joshua, Ryan and Alvin) in your prayers as they shingle... we have to shingle so we can move our stuff from the Anola shop into this one... (yes, a little pressure!) Please also pray that the rain will hold off at least where they are working!
Thanks... now onto today....
O Lord I give it to you - today - all of it - whatever it holds...
Sometimes Lord that phrase makes me nervous, as I do not know what it holds, and I know that sometimes our life takes twists and turns that bring us face down literally...
But Lord, you are in control... we know that. So, we give this day to you - I give you my whole family and ask you blessing on them and us as we work, pack, play, eat together...
Lord, we praise you for all you are, for who you are - for what you have done and are doing in our lives. We love you. Amen.
Saturday, July 24
Cupcakes at Sunnyside

Psalm 139
This Psalm will always remind me of you Sweet Jay
2 years old
I can just imagine you Jay
you would have been quite the little guy I am sure ...
I imagine you in Heaven today ~
A little playtime on the grass
the birthday balloon wavers in the wind
the watermelon is eaten
Cupcakes were yummy, and iced tea refreshing.
Everett is tired... seems that it is time to go
But we will be back, as we continue to remember the little one we lost too soon
With Jesus but oh how we wish you were here Jay Benjamin!
Today was my little grandson Jay Benjamin Klassen's second birthday. His mommy and daddy (Josh and Leah) invited us to a little gathering at Sunnyside Cemetery. Leah had ordered cupcakes, and we enjoyed them, watermelon and Iced Tea. It was a beautiful (very hot) day, and the little ones (Everett and his sweet little cousin) sat on the blankets, and analyzed one another, and played with toys, completely oblivious to why we were there at Sunnyside. HOWEVER I know that Everett will grow up knowing that he has a big brother in heaven! Sunnyside will no doubt always be one of the places that they venture to often.
Yesterday I bought some flowers to take to Sunnyside. As I was doing some running around today (for Alvin) I went past Family Florist (Henderson, close to Grace Cafe) as I needed a ribbon to tie them, and realized I had no ribbon at home. So I went in, and explained what I wanted. They asked me which ribbon I wanted, and I picked it out. While she got it ready for me, I talked with her husband and got out my money to pay. She put it on the counter and he gave it to me and say here you go. No charge. I said, "No, I really want to pay" and they insisted no, and said it was for a good cause. (I had told them I needed a ribbon to go around some daisies to lay at the cemetery, and that it was my Grandson I was laying flowers for.) I turned around to thank them, and could hardly get it out... I was crying. I was also so touched. I know - it was a BOW... but they touched me with their care and generosity.
Taking flowers to Sunnyside just feels right. It is something that at least I can do in honor of my little grandson. My first born grandson, Jay Benjamin Klassen.
Jay is with Jesus. We are here, but one day will be with Jesus too... and will be able to hold our Jay again! We grieve, but we also have hope. That makes all the difference.
Right about an hour into the gathering, our little Everett just could not contain his sleepy little self any more! It was hot there... with the only shade provided by the men standing and shielding the kids! Everett one day, will likely bring the balloon himself - and put it by Jay's little headstone.
Today I have wept... Today I have laughed.
Today I remembered when I held little Jay and tears fell on him.
I am thankful that Jay was my firstborn grandson, and I know I will see him again in Heaven.
His birth feels like yesterday in some ways...
And in other ways it feels like we have been walking in grief forever...
Jesus knows all that, and continues to bring healing to us.
Jay Benjamin Klassen - perfect.
At home with Jesus... but we wish he was at home here, with us.
Jay - we love you sweet one!
perhaps I can share his picture DVD with you again?
go to
Friday, July 23
so dog gone close to tears already first thing in the morning
bath (complete with jets)
arthritis pain med (2 pills, O Lord take the pain and stiffness away)
make boys lunch (as they build)
load car with stuff for loft
drive to Josh, Leah and Ev's place
carry stuff up
Alvin goes to land with josh
i chat with Leah
drive into city
pull over to talk to my dear friend on the phone
drive through at McDonald's for breakfast
now at Mountain Bean - for coffee and recoup (what is on the list for today)
need to get insurance on my dad's house (long story, but his widow passed away)
need to arrange for grass cutting at my dad's place
soon will have to clean up there and list the house (after 13 years with dad being gone)
need to finish insurance details on our build/contents etc
need to decide on and buy shingles (Lord willing they will shingle the shop tomorrow)
there is more packing (need to run home shortly)
I have stuff at Anola
stuff at the loft
stuff in our semi trailer (we bought purely for storage and have moved on site)
this afternoon i will come back into the city
and meet with Kara
(oh sweet Kara, she knows her insurance stuff, Al and Jan have taught her well!)
we will work on our insurance
we will work on my dad's insurance
tonight we are back at K and K's again for supper
she will not let me bring a thing beside Alvin and our bathing suits and towels
two years ago they provided the warm fellowship and love when we needed someone to cry on
let's face it - at this point when our lives are spread over a few locations,
a home made meal is a luxury
(Betty made supper for her and i on Wednesday and it was oh so good)
Thank you Lord for friends!
my phone will ring today
and i feel like i really can't talk
my tears are just below the surface
(and yes someone will be thinking "oh dear she is depressed")
the thing is - i am just trying to juggle body pain, lack of sleep and the emotions of grief intermingled with great joy, and the mental stuff of trying to figure out not just one household but several...)
so I figure tears are quite okay
i will cry them
and get on with life...
because we all know "life" stands still for no one
if you got to the bottom of this post - can i ask you one thing
please pray for us
- safety for the guys as they build
- for us to be able to work through all the emotions that we have (which besides the obvious, also includes leaving our "home" of 27 years, and our young neighbors (Cathy Travis and their kids) who are so dear to our hearts, I can hardly think of leaving them!)
Thanks for that... and as I said before - the tears are okay... I will just keep rolling up my pants so I don't get them wet! :)
Thursday, July 22
emotions (sigh)
I got a blister, and soaked feet but it was good to work out some of my emotions.
(ya I have many of them!)
Hope you enjoy the pictures above - believe me -