I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, until that day! (words from an old song, that just came into my memory)
I really do not have time to be sitting here blogging, but since a picture is worth a thousand words - here are the pictures from Saturday, yesterday and today. Lord - to you we give the praise!
Tuesday morning - bright and early - the work began
A little cup of coffee - on the rooftop
Last night after the storm passed
dipping and dumping the water that we pushed into the pit while squeegee-ing
Alvin and Willy squeegee-ing the top floor
water rushing down off the top as they squeegee
Betty at work
soaked... as we waited out the storm, the water was dripping through the top floor
but with the heat - a little water was refreshing
somehow Betty is able to see the joy in everything!
Betty and Willy - called and came to the land, complete with work gloves!
Saturday - work was done sheeting the place
Wayne stopped only when we called a "coffee break" time!
Friday work - Brennan and Alvin
Josh was in the middle - holding the trusses from this point...
This work was really hard to watch, but so glad when it was completed.
If you are reading, please keep the boys (today the boys are: Michael, Joshua, Ryan and Alvin) in your prayers as they shingle... we have to shingle so we can move our stuff from the Anola shop into this one... (yes, a little pressure!) Please also pray that the rain will hold off at least where they are working!
Thanks... now onto today....
O Lord I give it to you - today - all of it - whatever it holds...
Sometimes Lord that phrase makes me nervous, as I do not know what it holds, and I know that sometimes our life takes twists and turns that bring us face down literally...
But Lord, you are in control... we know that. So, we give this day to you - I give you my whole family and ask you blessing on them and us as we work, pack, play, eat together...
Lord, we praise you for all you are, for who you are - for what you have done and are doing in our lives. We love you. Amen.
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